Commonwealth Financial Planning Launches Study Into Carers In Regional Australia

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19th October 2009, 03:58pm - Views: 1396
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[Insert date: 27 March 2007]

Commonwealth Financial Planning launches study on
support needed for carers in rural and remote areas

19 October 2009: Commonwealth Financial Planning today announced the findings of a major research
project into the health, economic and social well-being of carers living in outer regional and remote areas
of Australia.
The report was launched as part of Commonwealth Financial Planning's sponsorship of Carers Australia
at the official launch of Carers Week 2009 in Canberra hosted by Her Excellency, the Governor General
Ms Quentin Bryce, and is the first to examine the geographic spread and social, health and economic
well-being of carers in outer regional and remote areas of Australia.

The report, The Tyranny of Distance? Carers in regional and remote areas of Australia, prepared by the
Australian Institute of Family Studies shows of the 2.4 million Australians living outside major cities and
inner regional areas, 363,000 provide unpaid care for family or friends. Despite providing invaluable
services to these communities, many carers based in rural and remote areas of Australia are more likely
to experience financial hardship and have difficulty accessing basic services from adequate medical
support to transport and telecommunication services.

Commonwealth Financial Planning is proud to support Carers Australia in its efforts to improve the lives
of people who provide unpaid care to those with a disability, mental illness or disorder, chronic illness,
terminal illness or who are frail.

Colonial First State Advice General Manager, Mr Paul Barrett said Commonwealth Financial Planning,
the financial planning arm of the Commonwealth Bank, sponsored the research as part of its commitment
to addressing Australian community needs.

I am pleased that Commonwealth Financial Planning could fund this important piece of research. We
believe the study will significantly raise awareness on the well-being of carers in outer regional and
remote areas of Australia and identify actions to improve the access to vital services for these members
of the community, Mr Barrett said.

Commonwealth Financial Planning operates one of Australia's largest and most diverse financial
planning networks, with over 700 planners employed by the Commonwealth Bank operating in more than
1000 branches nationally.

There is a clear social and economic benefit to improving the financial position of carers. We can draw
on the strength of our planning network to assist carers in all areas of Australia by providing access to
advice from basics like budgeting and goal setting to developing plans for achieving ongoing financial
independence, Mr Barrett added.

The findings
The study was conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), an Australian Government
statutory agency in the portfolio of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. It conducts research and
communicates findings to policy makers, service providers and the broader community about factors that
affect family well-being.

The research was based on information about carers and non-carers from the 2006 Census of
Population and Housing and the 2006 General Social Survey.

The Australian Institute of Family Studies' Research Fellow, Dr Ben Edwards, said it was the first study in
Australia to look at carers in rural and regional Australia, and the first to examine the impact of the
drought on carers' employment.

People living in rural and regional Australia who regularly care for a family member with a disability,
long term illness, or who are frail or aged have long faced multiple challenges, including lack of access to
services, higher rates of disability or a long-term health condition and lower rates of employment, and
now they are also feeling the effects of the drought.

The study showed that carers are vulnerable to the economic impact of the drought, with carers in
drought areas more likely to experience a reduction in full time employment than those employed part
time, Dr Edwards said.

Some highlights from the findings include:

The geographic spread and demographic profile
o The largest numbers of carers in inner regional and outer regional areas reside in the
most populous states New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. Queensland,
Western Australia and the Northern Territory are the states with the most carers in
remote areas.
o Carers are more likely to be Indigenous in remote and regional Australia largely a
result of the distinctive geographic distribution of the Indigenous population and the high
level of caring required for many in that most disadvantaged sector of Australian society.
o The age structure of the carer population in very remote areas was also much younger
than other regions of Australia, with far more carers aged 24 years or less and fewer
aged 65 years and over.
The challenges
o Overall, almost one-third (30.4%) of carers reported having problems accessing
services, higher than the one-quarter of those without caring responsibilities who
reported having difficulties accessing services (25.3%).
o Carers living in outer regional and remote areas experienced higher rates of disability or
a long-term health condition and lower rates of employment than non-carers living in the
same areas and carers in major cities.
Accessing support in times of crisis
o Carers in outer regional and remote areas had more sources of personal information and
advice available to them than non-carers in these regions.
o By far the most common source of support to carers was family and friends.
o However, carers living outside major cities were also more likely to rely on health, legal
or financial professionals in times of crisis (17.0% in outer regional and remote areas
and 16.0% in inner regional areas) than carers living in major cities (12.6%) or those
without caring responsibilities (between 7.6% and 10.4%, depending upon remoteness
of the area).

Joan Hughes, Chief Executive Officer of Carers Australia said: This study demonstrates the need for
coordinated strategies to improve carers' access to vital services in rural and remote communities.
Clearly, the health and well-being of carers in these areas is a significant issue and there is an urgent
need to ensure that we, as a society, look after these carers. Appropriate education and training to
support carers is vital .

The age group of carers in very remote Australia is another cause for concern. Education is paramount
to the lives of all young Australians. Innovative and creative programs will be essential if we are to
ensure that young carers in these areas are able to enjoy the same choices and opportunities as all
young people across Australia, Ms Hughes said.

A full copy of the report can be obtained at


Media information:

Noelle Waugh
Media Manager
Commonwealth Financial Planning
P: (02) 9303 6412
M: 0415 193 624

Alison Kemmis
Communications Officer
Carers Australia
M: 0417 604 305


Commonwealth Financial Planning
Commonwealth Financial Planning, part of the Colonial First State Advice Business, offers financial
advice to customers through more than 700 planners employed by the Commonwealth Bank operating in
branches across Australia. Financial planners advise customers on: budgeting and goal setting, building
a financial plan, ongoing financial independence and protecting assets. Commonwealth Financial
Planning has over 18 years of experience in providing financial advice and investment services.

Carers Australia
Carers Australia works with a network of carers associations in each state and territory to improve the
lives of carers. They provide important services like counselling, advice, advocacy, education and
training. They also promote recognition of carers to governments, businesses and the wider public.


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