Westpac Announces Nsw Flood Relief

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5th January 2010, 03:38pm - Views: 1481
Disaster Relief for NSW Flood Victims

Westpac today announced a special disaster relief package to assist customers seriously affected by flooding in Western NSW.

"We understand how situations like this can affect our customers' financial circumstances and at this time they do not need the additional burden of worrying about financial commitments," Westpac Regional General Manager, Regional Banking Outback and Western NSW, Merrilee Bryant said.

"Westpac has put together a package which offers practical help by providing some immediate financial relief."

Some of the assistance offered in the relief package includes:
* Affected customers with Westpac home loans may apply to defer repayments for up to three
* Affected businesses with existing loans can request loan restructuring without incurring the usual
bank establishment fees.
* Affected credit card customers may request an emergency credit limit increase.
* Affected credit card customer may apply defer payments to their card for 90 days
* Customers wishing to purchase replacement goods may apply for a personal loan at a
discounted rate with no establishment fee
* Westpac will waive interest penalties for affected customers wishing to withdraw term deposits.
* General insurance assessment and decisions will be fast tracked.

Westpac customers who wish to utilise these special relief measures or need assistance with lost credit cards or insurance should contact Westpac Telephone Banking on 132 032, Business Direct on phone 132 772 or their business banking relationship manager.

Further information: Jane Counsel
Media Relations
02 82533443

SOURCE: Westpac Bank

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