"entrepreneurship Vital To Prevent Double Dip Recession", Says Emlyon, International Business School

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8th October 2009, 12:21pm - Views: 641

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"Entrepreneurship Vital to Prevent Double Dip Recession", Says EMLYON, International Business


LYON, Oct. 8 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    "Although there are definite signs of an economic upturn around the world, businesses of all sizes need the

adrenaline of entrepreneurship if we are not to risk a 'double dip' recession," says Patrice Houdayer of the

leading European business school, EMLYON. "And, in what is arguably the first truly global economic

downturn, that entrepreneurial adrenaline needs to be administered on a global basis."

    As part of its commitment to this idea of 'global entrepreneurship', EMLYON is one of three top business

schools - the others being Babson College in the USA and Zhejiang University in China - that have come

together to create the first 'Global Entrepreneurship Program', which begins its first class this month.

    The program, which is aimed at developing the next generation of international entrepreneurs and

'intrapreneurs' - entrepreneurs within large companies - has attracted 65 students aged between 22 and 31

from countries as diverse as Bahrain, Finland, Mexico, Mongolia and Thailand. Participants will spend time on

each of the campuses in France, the USA and China and will also undertake consulting projects with

companies in all three regions to gain maximum exposure to business methods in these key markets.

Typical of the class is Nicolas, a 22 year old business engineering graduate, who has already lived and

worked in Belgium and Switzerland and co-founded his own small business. "I was attracted by the mix of

cultures involved and the opportunity to build an international network of contacts for the future," he says.

    "Today, the concept called 'global' is under siege," says JP Jeannet, co-Director of the Global

Entrepreneurship Program for Babson College in the US. "But the imperative to act globally has not gone."

    "Even the smallest business in the most remote area can now operate in global markets," confirms

EMLYON's Houdayer, "which means that the next generation of entrepreneurs will need to understand the

specific needs and methodologies of those markets. And that is precisely what this new program is designed

to do."

    For more information:

    Press relations EMLYON

    Business School

    Valérie Jobard


    SOURCE: EM Lyon

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