12 Microcap Companies To Present Tomorrow At Australian Microcap Investment Conference

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2nd August 2010, 01:09pm - Views: 945


12 Microcap Companies to Present Tomorrow at Australian Microcap Investment Conference, Sofitel Melbourne on Collins

Corporate advisory firm D H Flinders Limited and its Event Partners are pleased to announce the Inaugural Australian Microcap Investment Conference will be launched tomorrow in Melbourne on Tuesday, 3rd August 2010 at Sofitel Melbourne on Collins, in the 'Arthur Streeton Auditorium'. Over 200 delegates have registered to attend this event, representing some of Australia's leading stockbrokers, fund managers, institutions and private investors.

The conference will provide investors with an opportunity to hear first hand from the CEOs of several of Australia's leading and dynamic microcap companies, from a varied range of sectors, as they showcase their companies, strategies and people. Some presenters include iconic Australian food Company Patties Foods Limited, Australia's largest independent satellite Company NewSat Limited, Mining and exploration Company, Strike Resources and progressive technology Company Manaccom Corporation. D H Flinders has partnered with Accounting and Audit firm Pitcher Partners, Investor Relations firm Bourse Communications, Marketing Communications Group Motivo Creative Media, Business Broadcaster Boardroom Radio, online business publication Eureka Report and investment publication Wholesale Investor to present the conference.

In commenting on the establishment of this watershed event, Craig Dunstan, Executive Director of D H Flinders, said,

"We are delighted to be establishing Australia's 1st Annual Australian Microcap Investment Conference at this important stage of the investment cycle. Too often investors only hear about the opportunities that exist to invest in the smaller and micro cap listed companies space when we are already at the top of the cycle and much of the value proposition has already been realised."

"The vision and initiative for the conference came from my experience in managing ASX listed entities and the resultant understanding and appreciation of the difficulties that face smaller companies in achieving institutional support, widespread research coverage and robust media exposure."

"Following the positive feedback on this initiative, D H Flinders and its Event Partners are planning a similar conference in Asia in early 2011 to showcase both Asian and Australian companies to the expanding and dynamic Asian investment market place."

For more information please visit www.microcapconferences.com or contact Rod North, Bourse Communications, (03) 9510 8309 or 0408 670 706.

SOURCE: D H Flinders

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