2009 China Enterprise Forum 'opportunities In China's Outbound Investment' To Be Held From December

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13th October 2009, 03:54am - Views: 664

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2009 China Enterprise Forum 'Opportunities in China's Outbound Investment' to be held

from December 2nd - 4th in Beijing, China

BEIJING, Oct. 12 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    In association with China's State Assets Supervision and Administration

Commission (SASAC), People's Bank of China (PBOC), and Ministry of Commerce

(MOFCOM), China Enterprise Forum is presenting "Opportunities in China's

Outbound Investment" conference, to be held from Dec 2nd - 4th in Beijing.

    The Forum brings together the CEOs of China's largest companies, who have

invested over US$40 billion in outbound transactions in 2009 alone. The Forum

breaks out into 4 industry panels:

    - Banking and Finance

    - Energy and Infrastructure

    - Electronics and Communications

    - Auto and Heavy Industry

    Tier one global investment banks, private equity firms, consulting firms,

law firms, and other service providers are among the invited delegates.

    From China, the confirmed speakers include the CEOs and Chairmen from

BaoSteel, Sinopec, Cosco, State Grid, CIC, China Mobile, Lenovo, and Haier

Group. From overseas, the confirmed speakers include the CEOs, Chairmen, or

Managing Partners of the Asia Pacific or Greater China region from McKinsey,

Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Bain Capital, KKR, Silverlake, Deloitte, and


    With a forecasted growth rate of 8 percent, China's economy continues to

be the growth engine for the world. According to Bloomberg market data, 4 out

of the world's seven largest companies are from China, with a combined market

capitalization of over US$1 trillion. China's foreign exchange reserve

already exceeds US$ 2 trillion.

    "The Forum aims to promote bilateral understandings between China's

largest companies and the global community. We are honored to have the very

senior executives from China and overseas participate in this forum." said

Tong Li, the Executive Director of 2009 China Enterprise Forum. "We are

looking forward to a successful event."

SOURCE  China Enterprise Forum

    CONTACT: Ms. Amy Chang, Director of Marketing, +86 (10) 8599.9418,


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