21 Degrees Sa Launches Its Iphone Application With Weather Gps That Locates Your Telephone And Provi

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5th February 2010, 07:17am - Views: 950

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21 degrees SA Launches its iPhone Application With Weather GPS That Locates Your Telephone and Provides you

With the Weather Data Where you are at the Time for up to 15 days in Advance

GENEVA, Feb. 5 / PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Store its application of meteorological geo-location for the entire world -

and with total simplicity. Geo-located weather comes to the iPhone through

the Geneva company 21 degrees. The company says it has integrated the best of

weather data and location information. There is no need to enter the names of

cities or villages, because the application automatically detects your

latitude and longitude up to seven digits after the decimal point.

    There is a remarkable precision that enables the application to stream

and send alerts to where the person is located. There are now no more

parameters, no more settings and no more options to configure. What is

important is to be alerted and aware of the weather regardless of movements

and travel - it's the weather in the bag.

    Information on the weather is now localized for 15 days, truly a first.

In addition, there is information on developments and tendencies in the

weather on an hour-by-hour and day-by-day basis. The goal is not to know the

exact weather in 14 days, but to have a clear vision of thermal ranges that

we understand between -10degrees C and 10degrees C, so as to anticipate the

metrological disruptions that are becoming more and more frequent.

    Now, no more surprises when traveling. 21 degrees SA, the company

advising on Weather Risk Management, offers enterprises the chance to be

aware of weather risks and to forecast alerts in both the real world and on

the web.

    Our professional services are dedicated to companies and offer the chance

to anticipate developments in the weather in the short term, for 15 days and

the long term.

    The 21 degrees App Store application offers individuals the opportunity

to obtain geo-localized forecasts for 15 days on their iPhone.

    A picture can be downloaded free of charge under:

    For more information and requires free codes to download it

(for journalists only!)

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    Stephane Perino, Director

    cell: +41-78-652-33-23

    email: stephane@21degrees.com

    twitter: twitter.com/21_degrees

    21 degrees SA

    9 rue Bovy-Lysberg

    CH-1204 Geneva

    SOURCE: 21 degrees SA

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