A Fresh Start For The Gemballa Brand

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25th August 2010, 08:58am - Views: 1455

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A Fresh Start for the GEMBALLA Brand

LEONBERG, Germany, Aug. 25 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    - Andreas Schwarz is in Charge of the new GEMBALLA GmbH

For around 30 years the brand GEMBALLA has been a

global name in the performance improvement and modification of predominantly

Porsche vehicles, and in the construction of own-brand vehicles based on

Porsche body shells. GEMBALLA has made a name for itself as one of the most

extreme Porsche tuners and has received worldwide attention with its modified

Porsches such as the GEMBALLA Avalanche, which is based on the Porsche 911,

or the GEMBALLA Mirage GT, based on the Porsche Carrera GT.

    Since August 16, 2010, Andreas Schwarz (40) has been in charge of the

emotional GEMBALLA brand. Schwarz reserved the rights of the old company that

had already been broken up by liquidators and shut down, and founded a new

company, GEMBALLA GmbH. The company headquarters are located at

Mollenbachstrasse 17 in Leonberg.

    "With a totally new company and an investment of millions, we are now

looking towards a secure future", says managing director (CEO) Andreas

Schwarz. The educated Swabian is a sports car expert, who has many years'

experience in upgrading and marketing luxury high-class automobiles. Together

with investor Steffen Korbach, the new creator of GEMBALLA cars has made

cost-efficient plans.

    "As well as the rights to the name, we've also purchased some assets and

are starting off with 22 employees", Schwarz continues. "We plan to continue

the GEMBALLA design line following the old models. We're already working on

various concepts for the Porsche Panamera and the new Porsche Cayenne among


    The main goal: to expand and develop the GEMBALLA brand as a

manufacturer. Without facing too much time pressure. Currently, Andreas

Schwarz is making plans in motor tuning and the marketing of parts such as

bodykits, rims, brakes and suspension systems.

    "We've got enormous potential in this area that can be taken advantage of


the recognition of the GEMBALLA name with its near 30-year tradition really

helps", says Andreas Schwarz.

    That is why we will see automobile creations from GEMBALLA in the future


with a breath of fresh air for the brand and reliable business under the

GEMBALLA name. The showroom in Leonberg is now open for customers and all

interested parties.


    Press Enquiries:

    MEDIA LOTSE Agency

    Sigrid Schwarze

    Tel: +49-171-170-73-77

    Email: gemballa@medialotse.com

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