A Wake Up Call To All Australians 1

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20th October 2010, 03:21pm - Views: 1463
A Wake Up Call To All Australians

Tontine, Australia's leading pillow manufacturer is waking up tired hygiene habits around the nation with the launch of its Fresh Pillow Campaign, which recommends that the lifespan of a synthetic pillow be approximately two years.

Over time, a pillow can grow a complex ecosystem made up of dead skin cells and the things that feed on them [1].

According to Pacific Brands Group General Manager - Homewares, Holly Kramer, "Tontine is introducing Australia's and maybe the world's first pillow with a freshness stamp, providing our customers with a reminder of when they need to look at replacing their pillow."

WHAT: Sydney siders are encouraged to bring their old pillow to Flinders Street Station, toss it in the giant mobile Tontine Pillow Exchange bin and receive a FREE Tontine Fresh Pillow on the spot.

WHERE: Tontine Pillow Exchange - Martin Place, Sydney

WHEN: Thursday 21 October 7am - 10am


City commuters exchanging unhygienic, stained pillows for new fresh Tontine pillows at the giant mobile Tontine Pillow Exchange Bin.

The Tontine Fresh Pillow Campaign starts on the evening of 20 October and freshly stamped pillows will be available from major department stores, discount department stores and specialty stores across Australia from Thursday 21 October.

For further information visit www.tontine.com.au.

[1] Cambridge Medical Entomology Centre for Tontine August 2010

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For media enquiries only, imagery and/or interview requests please contact:
Zoe Carr
Zarr Marketing (03) 9429 1305 or 0413 300 722

SOURCE: Tontine

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