Actioncoach Bruce Campbell On Franchise Council Of Australia Shortlist For Franchisee Of The Year

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6th August 2010, 01:07pm - Views: 930

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ActionCOACH Bruce Campbell on Franchise Council of Australia Shortlist for Franchisee of the Year

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 6 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

ActionCOACH Bruce Campbell has been named as a finalist on the shortlist for the Single-Unit Franchisee of the

Year (Under 2 staff) by the Franchise Council of Australia.

Bruce is well and truly "pumped" about his shortlisting. 

"It is an honor," he says.

Bruce is ranked the fastest to ever achieve Diamond & Million dollar coach, and since joining ActionCOACH, he

has achieved more than he ever did over the previous 10 years.

Before joining ActionCOACH just four years ago, Bruce was a business development director for a pharmaceutical


He flew all over the world, armed with an MBA, developing markets with gusto, but for Bruce those times "missed

an ingredient."

Bruce was very much money driven back then, which he says didn't serve him well. 

Now he is more focused on the person, and as a consequence the "dollars have flowed like a river for myself and

my clients as well." 

One of his clients, for example, has experienced a 500% increase in sales and profit in a year. 

"It is cool to see those types of results," he says. 

At the start of this year, Bruce became involved with ActionCOACH's "Coaching for a Cause" - and he chose to

provide free coaching to the AGL Action Rescue helicopter service which transports injured people in remoter

locations to the nearest hospital. 

By pure chance, his wife's cousin received serious power saw cuts to her face recently, and it was this very

helicopter that flew her to the hospital in Brisbane. The organization relies on funding and charity support. Bruce

feels that bringing coaching to not-for-profit organizations such as these is also "cool." 

On his last high achievers night, Bruce did more than present awards to clients for business excellence. He

organized a black tie dinner for 100 people and succeeded in raising $AU12,000 in a charity auction for the AGL

helicopter, leaving just $AU8,000 to raise for his target of $AU20,000.

Bruce's philosophy?

"I am a life and business pillar of change. For me, life revolves around us, as humans, wanting to make changes for

the better." 

Bruce seeks "a more abundant world" and says he lives and breathes that philosophy. 

His clients are happier based on the changes and money they have made. 

"I can't do it for them, but I can be their pillar," he says.

Bruce is far from a static support however; he is constantly on the move. 

Recently he took up the Kokoda challenge - a grueling 95 kilometer run through the bush, but "it wasn't pretty" he


Nonetheless, he is adamant that he will perform one life challenge or "level of extreme commitment," as he puts it,

every year. 

Bruce is married to Georgie and they have three girls under 5: Annabelle, Juliet and Abigail.

ActionCOACH is the world's number one business coaching and executive coaching firm, with more than 1,000

offices in 32 countries. To learn more, go to or


CONTACT:  Stephanie Sims of ActionCOACH


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