Damien Kitto, CEO of ACTA (Adelaide Convention Tourism Authority) has been elected the new
President of the Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB). Joining him as Vice President
is Lynn Fairbrass, Manager of the Northern Territorys Convention Bureau.
Mr Kitto thanked outgoing President Sandra Chipchase for her tireless efforts over the past two years.
Ms. Chipchase will remain on the Business Events Implementation Steering Group (BESIG)
representing AACB member interests. The BESIG is an initiative of the Business Events Council of
Australia (BECA), and established by Federal Minister Martin Ferguson AM, MP.
Commenting on the current economic environment; Mr Kitto said whilst the world is currently in the
midst of tough economic times, they also present a number of opportunities for AACBs membership
as we consider new ways of not only conducting our own business, but also in the way we go about
the business of attracting conventions and incentive visitation to Australia. I look forward to the
challenges and changes that will come about in the coming year and working with all AACB members
and their partners to present Australia as a desirable destination within the highly competitive
international business events market.
International business visitors spend around five times more than leisure tourists. These visitors offer
Australia high yield and dispersal of up to 46% on pre or post tours to regional areas of Australia.
As well as the obvious economic benefits for Australian venues, exhibition and staging companies,
hotels, shops, restaurants and transport providers, these high profile international conventions and
corporate events play an important role in sharing knowledge, building expertise, facilitating the growth
and development of our key industries and leaving valuable legacies that will benefit Australians from
all walks of life for years to come, Mr Kitto said.
Australia boasts some of the worlds best venues for staging conventions and exhibitions. When
combined with our vast range of tourist attractions, nature, beaches, Indigenous history and culture,
shopping, food and wine, this makes us a highly desirable business events destination. Research
has shown, that many of the delegates attending business events in Australia later return as tourists,
often bringing family members with them.
But we have a problem. Globally, Australia is currently ranked 9
in the world in terms of the number
of associations meetings per country. We need to get that back to where it was a few years ago, and
we hope that with Australian Government support and focus on the importance of the sector, coupled
with the more aggressive collective marketing of Australias Business Events capabilities, in
conjunction with Business Events Australia and Austrade, we will be close to, if not in the Top 5 in the
next few years said Mr Kitto.
In welcoming Mr. Kitto to his new role, Mike Cannon AACBs executive director said that AACBs
goal is to encourage development of initiatives that will persuade more and more members of the
global business and associations communities to choose Australia for their business event
experience. We want these communities to experience how professional and efficient we are, see
how fantastic this country is, and come back again for business and leisure.
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Damien Kitto
Chief Executive Officer
Adelaide Convention Tourism Authority
Level 1, 18 King William Street
Adelaide South Australia 5000
t +61 8 8303 2336 f +61 8 8303 2355
For further information:
Executive Director
Association of Australian Convention Bureaux (AACB) Inc.
Tel: 02.9326 9133
Fax: 02.9326 9676
Mobile: 0414.230 127
Email: mike.cannon@aacb.org.au
Founding member of BECA (the Business Events Council of Australia)
Proud to be a sponsor of Australias Trade 2020 Initiative: