Aercap Holdings N.v. Reports First Quarter 2009 Financial Results

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8th May 2009, 05:06am - Views: 760

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AerCap Holdings N.V. Reports First Quarter 2009 Financial Results

AMSTERDAM, May 7 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    AerCap Holdings N.V. (the "Company" or "AerCap") (NYSE: AER) today 

announced the results of its operations for the first quarter ended March 31, 


    First Quarter 2009 Highlights

    -- First quarter 2009 net income was $30.0 million, compared with net 

       income of $50.9 million for the same period in 2008. First quarter 2009 

       net income excluding the impact of the mark-to-market of interest rate 

       caps and share-based compensation was $31.5 million, compared with 

       $59.9 million in first quarter 2008 on the same basis. The decrease in 

       net income was largely due to lower income from the sale of assets in 

       first quarter 2009 as compared to first quarter 2008.

    -- First quarter 2009 basic and diluted earnings per share were $0.35. 

       First quarter 2009 basic and diluted earnings per share excluding the 

       impact of the mark-to-market of interest rate caps and share-based 

       compensation were $0.37.

    -- Net spread, the difference between basic lease rents and interest 

       expense excluding the impact from the mark-to-market of interest rate 

       caps, was $112.5 million in first quarter 2009 compared to $85.6 

       million in first quarter 2008, an increase of 31%.  This measure 

       reflects the increase in leasing income.

    -- Total revenue for the first quarter 2009 was $208.5 million, compared 

       to $294.5 million for the same period in 2008. The decrease was mainly 

       due to lower aircraft sales revenue.

    -- Sales revenue for the first quarter 2009 was $41.7 million, compared to 

       $142.5 million for the same period in 2008, and was generated from the 

       sale of four engines and parts inventory.  

    -- Total assets were $5.8 billion at March 31, 2009, an increase of 26% 

       over total assets of $4.6 billion at March 31, 2008.

    -- Committed purchases of aviation assets delivered or scheduled for 

       delivery in 2009 are $1.8 billion, of which $0.3 billion closed in 

       first quarter 2009. 

    First Quarter 2009 Financing Highlights

    -- In first quarter 2009, AerCap closed debt facilities for $106 million 

       with two European financial institutions to finance the pre-delivery 

       payments in connection with the delivery of four A330 aircraft pursuant 

       to a purchase agreement signed with Airbus in December 2006.

    -- In March 2009, AerVenture signed a $846 million export credit facility 

       with a syndicate of commercial banks led by Calyon S.A. to finance up 

       to 20 Airbus A320 aircraft.  Repayment under the credit facility is 

       guaranteed by the European Export Credit Agencies. 

    Klaus Heinemann, CEO of AerCap, commented: "The first quarter of 2009 has 

been the most challenging environment the Company has encountered since the 

post 9/11 recession and the impact of the SARS epidemic early this decade. 

Against this background, we are highly satisfied that we closed the first 

quarter with a solid profit and a record increase of our leasing net spread, 

the core measure for our lease portfolio performance. The business activities 

for both our new leases and our aircraft sales have picked up materially since 

late March. We are confident that we will be able to show renewed aircraft 

trading activity during the remaining quarters of 2009 based on existing 

contracts and ongoing sales activities."

    Klaus Heinemann added: "Through our own cash reserves we successfully 

bridged the inability of our AerVenture joint venture partner to make required 

equity contributions in March. We are currently in advanced discussions with 

several parties to find a permanent solution during the second quarter."   

    AerCap's CFO, Keith Helming, said: "We are very pleased with our first 

quarter results, notwithstanding lower asset sale income and the charges 

incurred in the first quarter related to 2008 lease defaults. Our net spread 

income increased more than the growth in lease assets, which indicates 

continued improvement in the quality of our reported earnings. Also during the 

quarter, we secured $952 million of new funding facilities, part of which 

completed the financing requirement for the AerVenture A320 aircraft order. 

These successful financings demonstrate our ongoing ability to tap diverse 

financing sources to meet our capital needs, despite challenging market 

conditions throughout the world."

    Summary of Financial Results

    AerCap recorded a first quarter 2009 net income of $30.0 million or $0.35 

earnings per basic and diluted share. Included in the first quarter 2009 net 

income amount were charges relating to the mark-to-market of interest rate caps 

and share-based compensation of $1.5 million or $0.02 per basic and diluted 

share, net of tax. The after-tax charge relating to the mark-to-market of our 

interest rate caps was $0.7 million and the after-tax charge from share-based 

compensation was $0.8 million.

    Detailed Financial Data

    ($ in Millions)

    Operating results

                                                  Three months ended      

                                                       March 31,          

                                                              % increase/  

                                               2009    2008    (decrease)  


    Revenues                                 $208.5  $294.5       -29%

    Net income                                 30.0    50.9       -41%

    Net income excluding the impact of 

     mark-to-market of interest rate 

     caps and share-based compensation         31.5    59.9       -47%

    Total revenue in first quarter 2009 decreased 29% compared with first 

quarter 2008. This decrease was largely driven by lower sales revenue in the 

first quarter 2009. 

    Net income excluding the impact of mark-to-market of interest rate caps and 

share-based compensation decreased by 47%. This decrease was driven by lower 

income from the sale of assets ($22.3 million), plus certain aircraft 

impairments ($6.8 million), and the costs relating to airline defaults which 

occurred in 2008 ($6.4 million). 

    Revenue breakdown

                                                Three months ended     

                                                     March 31,         

                                                           % increase/   

                                             2009    2008   (decrease)  


    Lease revenue:                                                     

      Basic lease rents                    $141.4  $126.5       12%

      Maintenance rents                      12.6    $9.2       37%

      End-of-lease compensation and other                             

       receipts                               7.2    $8.2      -12%

    Lease revenue                          $161.2  $143.9       12%

    Sales revenue                            41.7   142.5      -71%

    Management fees and interest income       5.4     8.0      -33%

    Other revenue                             0.2     0.1      100%

    Total revenue                          $208.5  $294.5      -29%

    Basic lease rents continue to increase when compared to prior periods as a 

result of our growing asset base. The increase in basic lease rents was reduced 

by the impact from decreasing interest rates on floating rate lease rentals 

between the periods. However, the decrease in basic lease rents on floating 

rate leases was offset by lower interest costs on the debt associated with the 

floating rate leases. While basic lease rents for the first quarter 2009 

increased 12% compared to first quarter 2008 to $141.4 million, interest 

expense excluding the impact of mark-to-market of interest rate caps decreased 

29% compared with first quarter 2008 to $28.9 million, as shown in the table 

below. We refer to the difference in these amounts of $112.5 million as net 

spread, which increased 31% in first quarter 2009 over the same period in 2008. 

Our average lease assets increased by 26% to $4.1 billion compared to first 

quarter 2008.

                                                 Three months ended          

                                                    December 31,             

                                                            % increase/   

                                              2009    2008   (decrease)  


    Basic lease rents                       $141.4  $126.5       12%


    Interest on debt                         $29.5   $49.6      -41%

    Plus: mark-to-market of interest                                     

     rate caps                                (0.6)   (8.7)     -93%

    Interest on debt excluding the                                        

     impact of mark-to-market of                                          

     interest rate caps                      $28.9   $40.9      -29%


    Net Spread                              $112.5   $85.6       31%

    Maintenance related revenues including end-of-lease compensation increased 

$2.4 million in first quarter 2009 to $19.8 million from $17.4 million in first 

quarter 2008.  Of these amounts collected in the first quarter 2009, $7.2 

million were payments made by lessees in order to fulfill the contractual 

return conditions of the lease on certain returned aircraft.  However, the 

receipt of these payments triggered corresponding impairments on these aircraft 

of $7.2 million (refer to expense section of income statement).

    Effective tax rate

    AerCap's blended effective tax rate during the first quarter 2009 was 5.2%, 

consisting of 2.3% for AerCap's aircraft business and 34.8% for AerCap's engine 

and parts business. The blended effective tax rate in 2008 was positive 0.3% 


    Financial position

                                                             % Increase  


                                      March 31,   March 31,   March 31,  

                                        2009        2008        2008    


    Flight equipment held for lease   $4,204.7    $3,279.2       28%

    Total assets                       5,790.1     4,594.7       26%

    Total liabilities                  4,629.1     3,561.2       30%

    Total equity                       1,161.0     1,033.5       12%

    As of March 31, 2009, AerCap's portfolio consisted of 295 aircraft and 78 

engines that were either owned, on order, under contract or letter of intent, 

or managed.

    Notes Regarding Financial Information Presented In This Press Release

    The financial information presented in this press release is not audited.

    The following is a definition of non-GAAP measures used in this press 

release and a reconciliation of such measure to the most closely related GAAP 


    Net income excluding the impact of mark-to-market of interest rate caps and 

share-based compensation. This measure is determined by adding the 

mark-to-market on our interest rate caps and share-based compensation during 

the applicable period, net of related tax benefits, to GAAP net income. AerCap 

believes this measure provides investors with a more meaningful view on 

AerCap's operational performance and allows investors to better understand its 

operational performance in relation to past and future reporting periods. 

AerCap uses interest rate caps to allow it to benefit from decreasing interest 

rates and protect against the negative impact of rising interest rates on its 

floating rate debt. Management determines the appropriate level of caps in any 

period with reference to the mix of floating and fixed cash inflows from the 

Company's lease and other contracts. AerCap does not apply hedge accounting to 

its interest rate caps. As a result, AerCap is required to recognize the change 

in fair value of the interest rate caps in AerCap's income statement during 

each period. Following is a reconciliation of net income excluding the impact 

of mark-to-market of interest rate caps and share-based compensation to net 

income for the three month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008:

                                                   Three months ended    

                                                        March 31,        

                                                              % increase/   

                                                 2009   2008   (decrease)  


    Net income                                  $30.0  $50.9      -41%

    Plus: mark-to-market of interest rate 

           caps, net of tax                       0.7    7.6      -91%

          share-based compensation, net of                           

           tax                                    0.8    1.4      -43%

    Net income excluding the impact of 

     mark-to-market of interest rate caps 

     and share-based compensation               $31.5  $59.9      -47%

    Earnings per share excluding the impact of mark-to-market of interest rate 

caps and share-based compensation are determined by dividing the amount of net 

income excluding such impact by the average number of shares outstanding for 

that period. The average number of shares is based on a daily average.

    Net spread. This measure is the difference between basic lease rents and 

interest expense excluding the impact from the mark-to-market of interest rate 

caps and non-recurring charges. AerCap believes this measure provides investors 

a better way to understand the changes and trends related to the earnings of 

its leasing activities. This measure reflects the impact from changes in the 

Business Company AerCap Holdings N.V. 2 image

number of aircraft leased, lease rates, utilization rates, as well as the 

impact from the use of interest rate caps instead of swaps for hedging 

purposes. The reconciliation of net spread to basic lease rents for the three 

month periods ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 is included above.

    Conference Call

    In connection with the earnings release, management will host an earnings 

conference call today, Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 9:30 am Eastern Time / 3:30 pm 

Central European Time. The call can be accessed live by dialing 888-935-4577 

(US/Canada - toll free) or +1-718-354-1390 (International) at least 5 minutes 

under 'Investor Relations'.

    The presentation slides for the conference call will be posted on AerCap's 

website in advance of the call.  A replay of the call will be available 

beginning at 10:30 am Eastern Time / 4:30 pm Central European Time on May 7, 

2009 and continuing through June 3, 2009. To access the recording, call 

866-239-0765 (US/Canada - toll free) or +1-718-354-1112 (International) and 

enter passcode 1285154. The replay will be archived in the "Investor Relations" 

section of the Company's website for one year.

    To participate in this event, please register at: 

    For further information, contact Peter Wortel: +31 20 655 9658 

( or Mark Walter (Shared Value): +44 (0)20 7321 5039 


    About AerCap Holdings N.V.

    AerCap is an integrated global aviation company with a leading market 

position in aircraft and engine leasing, trading and parts sales. AerCap also 

provides aircraft management services and performs aircraft maintenance, repair 

and overhaul services and aircraft disassemblies. AerCap is headquartered in 

The Netherlands and has offices in Ireland, the United States, Singapore, China 

and the United Kingdom.

    Forward Looking Statements

    This press release contains certain statements, estimates and forecasts 

with respect to future performance and events. These statements, estimates and 

forecasts are "forward-looking statements". In some cases, forward-looking 

statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as 

"may," "might," "will," "should," "expect," "plan," "intend," "estimate," 

"anticipate," "believe," "predict," "potential" or "continue" or the negatives 

thereof or variations thereon or similar terminology. All statements other than 

statements of historical fact included in this press release are 

forward-looking statements and are based on various underlying assumptions and 

expectations and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and 

assumptions, may include projections of our future financial performance based 

on our growth strategies and anticipated trends in our business. These 

statements are only predictions based on our current expectations and 

projections about future events. There are important factors that could cause 

our actual results, level of activity performance or achievements to differ 

materially from the results, level of activity, performance or achievements 

expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. As a result, there can 

be no assurance that the forward-looking statements included in this press 

release will prove to be accurate or correct. In light of these risks, 

uncertainties and assumptions, the future performance or events described in 

the forward-looking statements in this press release might not occur. 

Accordingly, you should not rely upon forward-looking statements as a 

prediction of actual results and we do not assume any responsibility for the 

accuracy or completeness of any of these forward-looking statements. We do not 

undertake any obligation to, and will not, update any forward-looking 

statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

    For more information regarding AerCap and to be added to our email 

distribution list, please visit

    Financial Statements Follow

    AerCap Holdings N.V.                                                

    Consolidated Balance Sheets - Unaudited                             

     (In thousands of U.S. Dollars)                                      


                                      March 31,  December 31,   March 31, 

                                        2009         2008         2008   



    Cash and cash equivalents         $175,081      $193,563    $197,170

    Restricted cash                    144,954       113,397     127,150

    Trade receivables, net of 

     provisions                         46,657        43,649      64,969

    Flight equipment held for 

     operating leases, net           4,204,749     3,989,629   3,279,244

    Flight equipment held for sale      76,566             -      51,857

    Net investment in direct finance                                    

     leases                             30,152        30,571           - 

    Notes receivables, net of 

     provisions                        127,440       134,067     199,037

    Prepayments on flight equipment    539,572       448,945     284,368

    Investments                         18,678        18,678      11,678

    Goodwill                             6,776         6,776       6,776

    Intangibles, net                    42,309        47,099      45,427

    Inventory                           94,148       102,879      83,469

    Derivative assets                   19,631        19,352      18,896

    Deferred income taxes               81,231        82,471      82,392

    Other assets                       182,134       179,750     142,217

    Total Assets                    $5,790,078    $5,410,826  $4,594,650



    Liabilities and Equity                                              


    Accounts payable                   $24,246        $7,510      $9,246

    Accrued expenses and other 

     liabilities                        81,213       104,750      87,294

    Accrued maintenance liability      207,042       202,834     261,948

    Lessee deposit liability           102,397        98,584      89,197

    Debt                             4,133,991*    3,790,487   3,044,462

    Accrual for onerous contracts       28,496        33,306      28,378

    Deferred revenue                    40,133        34,922      35,663

    Derivative liabilities              11,557        12,378           -

    Deferred income taxes                    -             -       4,997

    Total liabilities                4,629,075     4,284,771   3,561,185


    Share capital                          699           699         699

    Additional paid-in capital         635,406       609,327     604,105

    Retained earnings                  528,964       499,011     398,082

    Total AerCap Holdings N.V. 

     shareholders' equity            1,165,069     1,109,037   1,002,886

    Noncontrolling interest             (4,066)       17,018      30,579

    Total Equity                     1,161,003     1,126,055   1,033,465


    Total Liabilities and Equity    $5,790,078    $5,410,826  $4,594,650


    * Includes $63.1 million of subordinated debt received from our joint

      venture partner relating to the TUI portfolio acquisition 

      AerCap Holdings N.V.                                            

      Consolidated Income Statements - Unaudited                      

      (In thousands of U.S. Dollars, except share and per share data) 


                                            Three months ended March 31, 

                                                 2009        2008 



    Lease revenue                             $161,213    $143,856 

    Sales revenue                               41,717     142,463 

    Interest revenue                             2,621       4,877 

    Management fee revenue                       2,741       3,174 

    Other revenue                                  210         163 

    Total Revenues                             208,502     294,533 



    Depreciation                                51,247      38,475 

    Asset impairment                             7,217           - 

    Cost of goods sold                          33,824     110,019 

    Interest on debt                            29,486      49,596 

    Operating lease in costs                     3,314       3,640 

    Leasing expenses                            19,161       6,390 

    Provision for doubtful notes and accounts                         

     receivable                                  1,232         548 

    Selling, general and administrative 

     expenses                                   27,213      30,622 

    Total Expenses                             172,694     239,290 


    Income from continuing operations before                          

     income taxes                               35,808      55,243 


    Provision for income taxes                  (1,860)     (4,570)


    Net income                                  33,948      50,673 


    Net (income) loss attributable to                                 

     noncontrolling interest                    (3,994)        203 


    Net Income attributable to AerCap 

     Holdings N.V.                             $29,954     $50,876 


    Basic and diluted earnings per share          0.35        0.60 


    Weighted average shares outstanding - 

     basic and diluted                      85,036,957  85,036,957 

    AerCap Holdings N.V.                                                  

    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Unaudited                     

     (In thousands of U.S. Dollars)                                        

                                                         Three months ended

                                                              March 31,     

                                                           2009       2008 


    Net income                                           33,948     50,673 

    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash                       

     provided by operating activities                                     

    Depreciation                                         51,247     38,474 

    Asset impairment                                      7,217          - 

    Amortisation of debt issuance cost                    3,834      3,392 

    Amortisation of intangibles                           4,790      3,504 

    Provision for doubtful notes and accounts                             

     receivable                                           1,232        548 

    Capitalised interest on pre-delivery payments          (371)      (669)

    Gain on disposal of assets                              448    (22,949)

    Change in fair value of derivative instruments       (1,002)     2,867 

    Deferred taxes                                        1,241      4,434 

    Share-based compensation                              1,002      1,636 

    Changes in assets and liabilities                                     

      Trade receivables and notes receivable, net         4,284    (20,240)

      Inventories                                        14,484     10,473 

Business Company AerCap Holdings N.V. 3 image

      Other assets                                       (4,188)    (1,546)

      Accounts payable and accrued expenses,                             

       including accrued maintenance liability, 

       lessee deposits                                  (11,930)    (3,721)

      Deferred revenue                                    5,212      2,090 

    Net cash provided by operating activities           111,448     68,966 


    Purchase of flight equipment                       (288,087)  (234,904)

    Proceeds from sale/disposal of assets                 1,792     83,487 

    Prepayments on flight equipment                    (158,504)   (72,445)

    Purchase of intangibles                                   -     (8,627)

    Movement in restricted cash                         (31,557)   (32,078)

    Net cash used in investing activities              (476,356)  (264,567)


    Issuance of debt                                    445,700    278,081 

    Repayment of debt                                   (96,485)  (126,363)

    Debt issuance costs paid                             (3,370)      (367)

    Net cash provided by financing activities           345,845    151,351 


    Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash                              

     equivalents                                        (19,063)   (44,250)

    Effect of exchange rate changes                         581       (316)

    Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period    193,563    241,736 

    Cash and cash equivalents at end of period          175,081    197,170 

    For Investors:

    Keith Helming

    Chief Financial Officer

    +31 20 655 9670

    Peter Wortel

    Investor Relations

    +31 20 655 9658

    For Media:

    Frauke Oberdieck

    Corporate Communications

    +31 20 655 9616

SOURCE  AerCap Holdings N.V.

    CONTACT: For Investors, Keith Helming, Chief Financial Officer, 

+31-20-655-9670,, or Peter Wortel, Investor Relations, 

+31-20-655-9658,; or For Media, Frauke Oberdieck, Corporate 

Communications, +31-20-655-9616,



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