Announcing The Inaugural Acs Careers' Virtual Career Fair In Conjunction With Informex And C&en

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28th September 2010, 10:23am - Views: 880

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Announcing the Inaugural ACS Careers' Virtual Career Fair in Conjunction with Informex and C&EN

PRINCETON, N.J., Sept. 28 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

            100% Virtual Show in November Will Facilitate Networking

    Opportunities, Deliver Educational Content and Connect Employers with

                             Potential Employees

    The American Chemical Society, Informex, and Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) announced today that

they are to partner in hosting the 'ACS Careers Virtual Career Fair in conjunction with Informex and C&EN' a

completely virtual event, to be held November 2-3, 2010. The American Chemical Society (

scientific society, chose to work with Informex (,

the leading meeting place for buyers and sellers of high-value chemistry, and

C&EN (, the ACS' flagship publication, to present an

opportunity rich event for the chemical industry. The virtual career fair

will utilize an online platform that will host an exhibition floor with

booths for recruiters and companies looking to engage candidates, an

auditorium to view career themed webcasts and a networking lounge where the

chemical industry can connect.

    Each day of the two day event will focus on a career related theme. The

first day will center on "Outlook for Chemical, Pharma and Biotech

Industries" while the second day will focus more generally on "Career

Development." The career fair will begin at 9:00am EST on both mornings with

a keynote session, followed by four additional webinars throughout the day.

Continuously from 9:00am through 6:00pm the event show floor will be open for

candidates to visit with recruiters and corporate human resources

representatives, and the networking lounge will be open all day for informal

chats as well as scheduled topic discussions. UBM Studios (, a leader in virtual events and virtual business

solutions, will provide the virtual interface for the event.

    Jennifer Jessup, Informex/UBM Global Brand Director, commented, "Informex

has a strong history in both the fine and specialty chemical markets and

through our combined efforts with the American Chemical Society the virtual

career fair will connect a huge array of corporate chemical industries and a

large pool of recruiters and job seekers. With the struggles all job seekers

are facing in a slowly recovering economy, we decided this virtual career

fair would be the best way for us to host both educational and networking


    Additionally, during the first week in November, C&EN will be publishing

its annual Employment Outlook edition of the publication. The content of this

edition of the leading scientific publication serving the chemical, life

sciences, and laboratory world will closely tie in with the 'ACS Careers'

Virtual Career Fair in conjunction with Informex and C&EN' in both webinars

and in scheduled chat session in the networking lounge. On the first morning

of the event, the keynote webinar will discuss C&EN's finding on employment

trends and developments in the chemical, pharma and biotech industries.

    "By adding a virtual event edition to our already successful physical ACS

Career Fairs, which will take place in Boston, MA on August 22-26, 2010 and

Anaheim, CA on March 27-31, 2011, we are able to provide employment

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opportunities to a wider and more diverse audience," stated David Harwell,

Assistant Director of ACS Careers. "The ACS is thrilled to be working with

Informex and C&EN on the inaugural ACS Careers Virtual Career Fair. The

virtual career fair will operate with innovative technology to connect a

large community of students and business professionals to corporate

exhibitors and recruiters in a virtual exhibition hall."

    The 'ACS Careers Virtual Career Fair in conjunction with Informex and

C&EN' will include many of the features that one would expect to find at a

traditional physical event, including:

    - Exhibit Halls complete with interactive exhibitor booths and


    - An Auditorium hosting live, scheduled presentations

    - A Resource Center featuring white papers, podcasts and

      informative content

    - A Lounge for networking and relationship-building via instant

      messaging or group chat

    Registration for this career fair will open in mid-September and there

will be opportunities for pre-registration prior to that time. For more

information about this event, or to pre-register, please visit

    The American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by

the U.S. Congress. With more than 161,000 members, ACS is the world's largest

scientific society and a global leader in providing access to

chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed

journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington,

D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

    Organized by UBM Live, Informex is the leading meeting place for buyers

and sellers of high-value chemistry for a broad range of applications. As the

leading fine chemical trade show in the United States, InformexUSA has been a

marketplace for networking and doing business in the fine, custom and

specialty chemical manufacturing industry for more than 25 years. Visitors to

the show come from a broad range of manufacturing industries including

adhesives, electronics, agrochemicals, biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals,

plastics, paints, and more. Each year the event brings together an

international mix of more than 4,000 fine and specialty chemicals

professionals and 500 exhibitors.

    About UBM Studios (

    UBM Studios is a leader in virtual events and virtual business solutions.

A pioneer with virtual platforms, UBM Studios delivers deep expertise in live

and online events that brings business value to customers. UBM Studios

connects, educates and enables virtual communications through a portfolio

that fits every budget. UBM Studios is the only virtual event provider to

offer platform, content, audience recruitment, reporting and social marketing

and gaming. UBM Studios virtual events include Virtual Trade Shows, Virtual

Career Fairs, Virtual Seminar Centers, Virtual Resource Centers, Virtual

Product Launch, Virtual Business Continuity, Virtual Corporate Meetings,

Virtual Sales Meetings, Virtual Focus Group Centers and Virtual Training. UBM

Studios delivers a complete global communication solution in Asia, Europe and

North America in industries including, health, finance, technology, building

and education.

SOURCE: Informex

    CONTACT: Jennifer Jessup, Global Brand Director of UBM International

Media, +1-609-759-4707,; or Richard Kerns of Impress

Public Relations, +44(0)161-728-5880,, or Erin Hatzi,

+1-503-928-7870,, all for Informex

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