Another Metro Success For Ansaldo Sts With Hangzhou Metro Project Win

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10th February 2010, 05:28pm - Views: 1065


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Ansaldo STS Australia

Ansaldo STS Australia Pty Ltd

11 Viola Place, Eagle Farm, Brisbane QLD 4009 - Australia

Press Office

Phone +61 7 3868 9333 - Fax +61 7 3268 2136 – 

A Finmeccanica Company

Ansaldo STS, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, is an international leading technology company that operates through two Business Units: Transportation Solutions and Signalling in the global

Railway & Mass Transit Transportation business with the provision of traffic management, planning, train control and signalling systems and services. It acts as lead contractor and turnkey provider on

major projects worldwide. Ansaldo STS is headquartered in Genoa, Italy, and employs over 4,300 people in 28 countries. In 2008, its revenues reached

1.106M, with a gross operating margin of

118M and net profits of 77.6M.

10 February 2010

Another Metro Success for Ansaldo STS with Hangzhou Metro Project Win 

Ansaldo STS’s reputation as a leading provider of safe and sustainable metro and light rail

solutions has been strengthened by its latest contract award - to supply the

communication-based train control system for China’s Hangzhou Metro Line 1. 

Hangzhou is a rapidly growing city in the Yangtze River Delta of China.

Ansaldo STS has been awarded the USD16.4 million contract to supply the

communication based train control for the city’s first metro, which is expected to

commence operation in June of 2012. Metro Line 1 will be 53.6km long and have 34

stations and 48 trains.

Ansaldo STS (STS.MI), through its subsidiary Ansaldo STS USA, will deliver the metro

project, its fifth as part of its strategic alliance agreement with Zhejiang Zheda INSIGMA

Group Company Ltd, based in Hangzhou. 

Earlier this month Ansaldo STS won the contract to operate and maintain the

Copenhagen driverless metro for the next five years. 

Ansaldo STS provided the engineering, systems integration, rail electrification equipment

and vehicles for the Copenhagen driverless metro system, and has been responsible for

its management since it commenced operating in 2002.


Further information:

Anne Richardson, ph: 07 3868 5471, mob: 0438 626 909 



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