Ansaldo Sts Is Awarded Work Worth Eur 42 Million For Genoa Metro

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1st April 2010, 08:30am - Views: 1115


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Ansaldo STS S.p.A

Via P. Mantovani, 3-5, 16151 Genoa - Italy

Press Office

Phone +39 010 655 2067 - Fax +30 010 655 2939

A Finmeccanica Company

Ansaldo STS, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, is an international leading technology company that operates through two Business Units: Transportation Solutions and

Signalling in the global Railway & Mass Transit Transportation business with the provision of traffic management, planning, train control and signalling systems and services.

It acts as lead contractor and turnkey provider on major projects worldwide. Ansaldo STS is headquartered in Genoa, Italy, and employs over 4,300 people in 28 countries.

In 2008, its revenues reached


M, with a gross operating margin of

118M and net profits of 77.6


1 April 2010 

Ansaldo STS is awarded work worth EUR 42 million for Genoa metro

The Genoa local authority has appointed Ansaldo STS (STS.MI) as the contractor to carry

out work worth EUR 42.3 million to extend the depot at Dinegro station on the Genoa


The works concern the initial functional extension of the existing depot situated in the

vicinity of Dinegro Station, and are intended to prepare both the sheltered/shunting area

and the maintenance workshop for the new 39-metre trains.

The contract also includes building a car park with approximately 150 park-and-ride

spaces for cars and 50 for motorcycles over the depot at street level (Via Buozzi) and will

operate in conjunction with the existing station.

The work is scheduled to be completed by 31 March 2012.

Note for editors

The Genoa metro currently serves a network of 5.5 km, and has seven stations serving places of

tourist, cultural and commercial interest in the city: Brin, Dinegro, Principe, Darsena, San Giorgio,

Sarzano and De Ferrari. Today, 18 trains are used on the six stretches of line: six are first-

generation and 12 second generation, and they have a transport capacity of 4,000 people an hour

in each direction. The first stretch of the metro between Brin and Dinegro (2,510 metres) was

opened in 1990, while its extension to Brignole is expected to be completed in December 2011.

The opening of the new De Ferrari –

Brignole line, scheduled for March 2012 after operational

tests, is expected to generate transport demand estimated at 9,000 people an hour in each


The Genoa metro is a manned light rail system. 

The trains are driven by an Automatic Train Operation (ATO) system, which includes automatic

turnaround at the terminus and station stopping, and is under the full control of an Automatic Train

Protection (ATP) system.

The vehicles currently in use are formed of two articulated boxes supported on three bogies with an

engine placed lengthwise whilst the centre carriage has a single bearing function. It has electrical

traction equipment with full chopper control. The braking system is electrodynamic (which is energy

efficient), supported by a mechanical electro-hydraulic system for low speeds. 

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Ansaldo STS SpA 


Vehicles are bi-directional with a driver cabin at each end, and have passenger access doors on

both sides. They are also equipped with ventilation and winter heating systems in the driver cabin. 


vehicles can travel singly or coupled together by means of fully automatic front-end couplers.

New 7 + 7 rolling stock with four articulated carriage units and five bogies (three motorised and two

load bearing), with electrical inverter traction equipment and asynchronous motors will support the

increase in transport demand triggered by the opening of the Brin – Brignole line. 


Further information:

Riccardo Acquaviva, tel +39 348 0811485

Anne Richardson, tel +61 438 626 909

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