Asia's Leadership Opportunity

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17th June 2010, 08:31am - Views: 964

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Asia's Leadership Opportunity

WASHINGTON, June 17 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Mercator XXI, LLC President and CEO Christopher G. Caine delivered remarks on

Global Economic Dynamics: Their Impact on Asian Leadership and International

Relations at the 2010 Shanghai Forum at Fudan University, Shanghai. The Shanghai

Forum is a premier conference focusing on Asia and globalization issues. For five

years, the Forum has convened elite members of the international community to

exchange perspectives on issues of particular relevance to Asia.

    Caine was asked to present on the theme of "The Restructuring of International

Relations in Asia." This sub-forum was chaired by Professor Dingli Peng, Director for

the Center for American Studies at Fudan University.

    In his address, Caine stressed the importance of emerging market involvement in

the global economy following the financial crisis of 2008, and highlighted forces

which should be driving these "new growth economies" towards a more active role in

global leadership. "Global economic integration and structural change were defining

features of the decade spanning from 2000-2009. Frequently overlooked during this

period has been one of the decade's most noteworthy developments - an upheaval in the

global economic order."

    Caine highlighted among the changes to the global economic framework was the rise

of Asia as a center of economic stability: "Asia's share of the global economy (in

purchasing power parity terms) increased from 7 percent in 1980 to 21 percent in

2008. And since 1995, Asia's real GDP has grown more than twice as fast as that of

America or Western Europe." Caine noted the efforts of China in particular, citing

that, "in 1999, the top five exporting countries were the United States, Germany,

Japan, France and Britain. China was the world's ninth-largest exporter. Ten years

later, China was the largest."

    The Mercator XXI president continued with a warning that Asia's great strides in

economic progress "could be jeopardized if these nations do not seek (or are not

granted) opportunities for global leadership. With this progress comes higher living

standards, deeper engagement with other economies, and an opportunity for governments

to take a more active role in international affairs".

    Caine posited that the financial crisis has given these emerging economies a

chance to become active leaders in the global economic order. "Today, the

architecture is out of step with the profile of the global economy. The G-7, which

includes Canada and Italy but not China or India, accounts for just 55 percent of

global economic output and 39 percent of global trade."

    Caine identified the emergence of the G-20, whose protocols and responsibilities

remain to be established, as the new global framework through which Asia in

particular can assume a leadership role. "The sudden emergence of the G-20 reflects

the recognition among global leaders that its membership is a more accurate

reflection of the global economic order than the G-7, with the member countries

generating about 90 percent of global GDP, and accounting for about 80 percent of

global trade. But the G-20 is still establishing its protocols."

    Caine also emphasized the need for Asia's private sector to lead as well in this

push for more global responsibilities: "Just as Asian countries need to exercise

Business Company Mercator XXI, LLC 3 image

leadership on a range of economic issues, so do Asia-based companies now that they

are achieving global prominence and success. One element of that leadership is

playing a constructive role in helping to shape the new global landscape so it

reflects Asia's more prominent role. That means engaging to support trade

liberalization and other market access measures." He called on Asian public and

private sector leaders to play an active role in the G-20 government and business

summits in Seoul this coming November.

    Caine went on to note the business potential derived from inspired and creative


    "Will these opportunities be realized? In the end, that is a question only the

people of Asia and elsewhere can answer. But a key determinant will be whether the

continent's political and business leaders can exercise leadership around a

constructive and enabling reset of the global economic architecture - one that

reflects Asia's place in the world and for a fortified and healthier global economy."

    Other topics covered at the Forum included Recover & Restructure: Asia's

Sustainable Growth, Dynamics of Economic Integration in Asia, Restructuring after the

Global Financial Crisis, Emerging Energy & Low Carbon Economy, Re-adjustment of World

Economy & Regional Cooperation, Reflection of Asian Cities after the Financial

Crisis, Public Policies in a Changing World, and The Impact of China's Economic



Several prominent Chinese and international leaders attended the Forum and

delivered keynote speeches, including Shaukat Aziz, former Prime Minister of

Pakistan; Tiehui Weng, Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Government; and Jiaxuan

Tang, former State Councilor of China. The success of the previous Shanghai Forums

attracted many VIP's in 2010. They included Jian Chen, former Undersecretary General

of the United Nations; Hans van Ginkel, former Undersecretary General of the United

Nations; Luzviminda Padilla, Undersecretary of the Dept. of Labor & Employment,

Philippines; Winston Peters, Minister of Foreign Affairs, New Zealand; Etsuhiko

Shoyama, Board Chairman of Hitachi Electric Company, Japan; Yamasaki Taku, Member of

the House of Representatives, Japan; and Michael Spence, 2001 Nobel Laureate in


    The take-away from the 2010 Shanghai Forum was an overwhelming consensus that the

world order is changing rapidly and that the situation in Asia is becoming more

complex than ever. Asia needs to restructure itself across the board in areas such as

economics, politics, social affairs, and culture. This restructuring is essential as

it ensures Asia's continuous development. It is imperative that all Asian countries

work together to help promote this change.

    For a copy of Caine's full paper as presented and more information on Mercator

XXI, LLC and the 2010 Shanghai Forum, please visit: 


    CONTACT: Stephanie Tackach, 

             463 Communications,

             +1-202-463-0013 ext 207, 


             for Mercator XXI, LLC

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