Banco Cruzeiro Do Sul Is The Winner Of The Agencia Estado 2010 Business Achievement Award, Occupying

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21st May 2010, 10:14am - Views: 952

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Banco Cruzeiro do Sul is the Winner of the Agencia Estado 2010 Business Achievement

Award, Occupying 10th Place on the List

SAO PAULO, May 21 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Banco Cruzeiro do Sul (Bovespa: CZRS4) has just won the Agencia Estado

Business 2010 Achievement Award, occupying 10th place in the ranking of the 10

best publicly traded companies in Brazil. Organized by the news agency in

partnership with Economatica and audited by KPMG, the financial institution

was chosen out of 200 companies after analysis of their recent results. The

award is a mark of distinction and one of the main indicators of excellence

for companies in Brazil's investment market.

    Fabio Rocha do Amaral, member of Banco Cruzeiro do Sul's board, who

accepted the award on behalf of the company, said, "Being among the 10 best

is a major recognition of the work being carried out by the bank."

    According to Agencia Estado, the rankings are evaluated based on seven

criteria that are important from investors' point of view: price-earnings,

price-net equity per share, price variation, liquidity, volatility,

dividend-net equity and return on net equity, indicators that could be

applied to all companies independent of their size or industry.

    The award was received fewer than three years after Banco Cruzeiro do Sul

went public through an initial public offering (IPO) held in July 2007.

    About Banco Cruzeiro do Sul

    Banco Cruzeiro do Sul, a publicly traded company, is one of Brazil's

pioneering banks and is notable for having operated in the payroll loan

market for the past 16 years.

    The bank is authorized to offer personal loans through payroll deductions

to public servants in the three levels of government: federal, state and

municipal. It uses a countrywide network of sales representatives to offer

these loans.

    Today, the institution heads up a financial conglomerate made up of a

multiple bank, a stock and commodities brokerage, a securities dealer, a

finance company, an insurance company, a securitization company and

third-party funds management for special clients. With head offices in Sao

Paulo (SP), branches in the cities of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Campinas (SP),

Palmas (TO), Recife (PE) and Salvador (BA) and correspondents throughout

Brazil's territory, the company manages a portfolio of thousands of clients.



    Customer Financial Services Department Manager:

    Beth Guaraldo


    Telephone: +55-11-3816-1230

     SOURCE: Banco Cruzeiro do Sul

Business Company Banco Cruzeiro Do Sul 3 image

    CONTACT: Beth Guaraldo, Customer Financial Services Department Manager

             Voice Comunicacao Institucional



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