Bentley Announces Be Connected: An Online Seminar Series Covering Breadth Of Topics To Help Infrastr

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12th June 2009, 05:35am - Views: 798

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Bentley Announces Be Connected: An Online Seminar Series Covering Breadth of

Topics to Help Infrastructure Professionals Stay Abreast of Best Practices and



EXTON, Pa., June 12 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Registration Now Open for Series That Runs June Through November

    Bentley Systems, Incorporated today announced that registration is now

open at for its innovative Be Connected online

seminar series. Be Connected gives architects, engineers, builders,

geospatial professionals, and owner-operators a chance to learn about

applying information modeling from some of the world's leading infrastructure

practitioners -- free of charge, in both live and OnDemand formats. The

series, which takes the place of this year's Be Conference, begins June 23.

    (Logo: )

    "With over 150 best practices and product seminars, the Be Connected

online seminar series is the best way for both practitioners and business

leaders in infrastructure to keep up with the latest trends in practice and

technology, without the time and expense required when traveling to a

conference," said Bentley's chief marketing officer, Ed Mueller. "This is

'professional conference-quality' content, brought to your desktop at no


    "If you are an AECO or geospatial professional serious about staying on

top of your game, Be Connected is an ideal solution. It is Bentley's response

to the global challenge of finding new ways to create value without adding


    Be Connected offers two types of online seminars:

    - Best Practices Seminars -- Presented by leading infrastructure

      professionals around the globe, these sessions bring a project 

      perspective on best practices for the design, construction, and operation 

      of specific types of infrastructure projects, including a series of      

seminars on each of the following: bridges, cadastre and land 

      development, communications, electric and gas utilities, high performance 

      buildings, mining and metals, oil and gas, rail and transit, roads, and 

      water and wastewater.

    - Product Seminars -- Presented by Bentley's top product executives and

      designed for both current and prospective users, these technology-focused

      sessions demonstrate the latest features and capabilities of Bentley's

      comprehensive V8i software portfolio for sustaining infrastructure.

    The first presentation of these hour-long seminars will include a live

Q&A teleconference, giving seminar attendees the unique opportunity to

interact with leaders in the infrastructure professions. Each seminar will

then be offered OnDemand, allowing participants to attend multiple sessions

at times of their choosing. In addition, participants can join discussion

groups about the topics presented in the seminars on the Be Communities

professional networking website, further extending the value and the insights

gained in the seminar.

Business Company Bentley Systems, Incorporated 3 image

    Be Connected attendees will learn how to successfully employ new

workflows, information technology, and delivery methods -- enabling them to

work smarter, improve their productivity, lower costs, and advance their

careers. Every Be Connected participant will be provided transcripts

indicating seminars attended and Bentley Institute Learning Units earned.

    "The unique delivery system and breadth of topics covered make our Be

Connected seminar series a first in the infrastructure community," said Carey

Mann, vice president, solutions, Bentley Software. "The topics are aligned

with the breadth of infrastructure addressed by Bentley's comprehensive

portfolio of software."

    Added Mann, "Put simply, Be Connected enables infrastructure

professionals, including owners and the consultants who serve them, to be

engaged, be informed, and be empowered -- all without leaving their offices."

    About Bentley Systems, Incorporated

    Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing comprehensive

software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Architects, engineers,

constructors, and owner-operators are indispensable in improving our world

and our quality of life; the company's mission is to improve the performance

of their projects and of the assets they design, build, and operate. Bentley

sustains the infrastructure professions by helping to leverage information

technology, learning, best practices, and global collaboration -- and by

promoting careers devoted to this crucial work.

    Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 2,700 colleagues, offices in more

than 50 countries, annual revenues surpassing $500 million, and, since 1993,

has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Nearly 90 percent of the Engineering News-Record Top Design Firms are Bentley

subscribers, and a 2008 Daratech study ranked Bentley as the world's #2

provider of geospatial software solutions.

    For additional information about Bentley, visit To view

a searchable collection of the year's top infrastructure projects from the

annual Be Awards of Excellence (which this year becomes the Be Inspired

Awards), visit For information about

the Be Communities professional networking site that enables members of the

infrastructure community to connect, communicate, and learn from each other,

    Bentley, the "B" Bentley logo, and Be are either registered or

unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or

one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. All other brands and

product names are trademarks of their respective owners.

Press Contact:

Ron Kuhfeld


SOURCE: Bentley Systems, Incorporated

    CONTACT: Ron Kuhfeld of Bentley Systems, Incorporated, 





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