Bloomberg Chairman Peter T. Grauer Rings Opening Bell At Bse

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22nd October 2009, 06:47pm - Views: 833

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Bloomberg Chairman Peter T. Grauer Rings Opening Bell at BSE

MUMBAI, Oct. 22 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Bombay Stock Exchange Visit Recognizes Bloomberg Expansion in India, Launch of 

                             Bloomberg-UTV Network

    Peter T. Grauer, Chairman of Bloomberg L.P., today rang the opening bell at Bombay Stock Exchange

(BSE) to signal the start of trading. BSE Chairman Mr. Jagdish Capoor and Mr. Madhu Kannan, BSE

Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, attended the opening bell ceremony joined by a distinguished

group of financial professionals.

    Mr. Grauer's visit to BSE was in recognition of Bloomberg's growth in India. The Company is expanding the

array of news and information tools for India's financial market professionals via the BLOOMBERG

PROFESSIONAL(R) service, and recently launched the Bloomberg-UTV business television network with


    The launch of Bloomberg-UTV is a significant development in Bloomberg's deepening presence in this

market. During his visit Mr. Grauer announced that Bloomberg-UTV will establish the first-ever television

studio on site at the BSE, a new landmark in delivering critical market news to India's financial investors.

    "The expansion of Bloomberg's presence in India and the formation of Bloomberg-UTV illustrate

Bloomberg's mission to provide essential news and information to India's business leaders and investors," said

Mr. Grauer. "Ringing the BSE bell this morning signifies Bloomberg's commitment to promote market

transparency, and our commitment to the Indian market."

    "India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and it is important that timely and relevant

economic as well as political news and analysis from India reaches the world and vice versa. Bloomberg-UTV

is dedicated to doing just that," added Ronnie Screwvala, Chairman of UTV.

    As Bloomberg-UTV delivers business news to more than 30 million homes across India, the BLOOMBERG

PROFESSIONAL service continues to integrate more news, data and analytics for subscribers in India, in

areas such as portfolio management, trading, fixed income, derivatives and other fields.

    About Bloomberg-UTV

    Bloomberg-UTV, a collaboration between the BLOOMBERG TELEVISION(R) network and UTV News

Limited, India's leading global integrated media house with business interests in Television, Movies,

Broadcasting, Games and New Media. Bloomberg-UTV delivers unsurpassed real-time business, economic

and political news to more than 30 million households across India. With a studio presence at BSE,

Bloomberg-UTV breaks new ground in delivering critical market news to India's financial investors.

    Launched this past September, Bloomberg-UTV combines UTV's local newsgathering, production and

distribution with the deep financial capabilities and global reach of Bloomberg to broadcast news for and about

the Indian market. Bloomberg-UTV will incorporate substantial international programming elements from the

BLOOMBERG TELEVISION worldwide network, and viewers will benefit from close cooperation between the

organizations' editorial and production teams.

    About Bloomberg

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    Bloomberg is the world's most trusted source of information for businesses and professionals. Bloomberg

combines innovative technology with unmatched analytic, data, news, display and distribution capabilities, to

deliver critical information via the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL(R) service and multimedia platforms.

Bloomberg's media services cover the world with more than 2,200 news and multimedia professionals at 146

bureaus in 72 countries. The BLOOMBERG TELEVISION(R) 24-hour network reaches 230 million homes.

BLOOMBERG RADIO(R) services broadcast via XM, Sirius and WorldSpace satellite radio globally and on

WBBR 1130AM in New York. The award-winning monthly BLOOMBERG MARKETS(R) magazine, the

BLOOMBERG.COM(R) financial news and information Web site and BLOOMBERG PRESS(R) books provide

    The BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service and data products are owned and distributed by Bloomberg

Finance L.P. (BFLP) except that Bloomberg L.P. and its subsidiaries (BLP) distribute these products in

Argentina, Bermuda, China, India, Japan and Korea. BLOOMBERG and BLOOMBERG NEWS are

trademarks and service marks of Bloomberg Finance L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, or its subsidiaries.

All rights reserved.

     SOURCE: Bloomberg

    CONTACT: Heidi Tan 



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