Cashflow In A Crisis - Top 4 Survival Tips

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18th May 2009, 05:30pm - Views: 831

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Cashflow in a Crisis – Top 4 Survival Tips

10X CEO Nic Clark shares his top cashflow management strategies proven to work for

Australian businesses.

Even profitable businesses can go broke if they do not effectively manage their cashflow

during the recession, according to 10X CEO and business development expert, Nic Clark. The

key to surviving the recession, Nic says, is strategic cashflow management that takes into

account the new economic conditions and adjusts cashflow activities accordingly.

Cashflow represents one of the major concerns of Australian business owners, with 92%

frequently experiencing stress as a result of it, and a significant amount having to source

additional funding, reduce their operations, and even take pay cuts to accommodate


within their business. According to Nic, cashflow problems have been further exacerbated

by the recession, which has resulted in fewer customers and leads for businesses, reduced

consumer spending, and increased operating costs. “Cashflow mismanagement will break a

business, regardless of how big or small it is,” says Nic. “Right now, effective cashflow

management is more critical than ever for your business’s survival.”

Nic Clark has personally seen how easy it is for business owners to transform the cash flow

situation in their business. The 10X network of accounting firms across Australia and New

Zealand have been helping their clients implement effective cashflow management

strategies with dramatic results. Nic says that every business owner can benefit from the

same principles taught by leading accountants.

Nic Clark shares his Top 4 cashflow management strategies:


The first step in strategic cashflow management is setting goal-oriented budgets -

and proactively managing them. “Profit and loss budgets are obviously important

in providing you with direction on where to spend, and where to save,” says Nic.

““However, it is cash flow budgets will break down income and expenditure and

really guide how you manage your cash requirements and shortfalls.”


Next, businesses need to focus on increasing sales and income – a feat that, even

during a recession, is possible. “It’s all about being proactive, and really providing

benefit to your customers. Business owners need to identify creative ways to

increase retention rate, generate leads, and increase conversion.”


Business owners should avoid easy tactics like discounting, which Nic says can be

dangerous to business profitability. “Even a 10% discount can result in your

business having to increase sales by 100% to achieve the same gross profit pre-

discount,” says Nic. 


Reducing the cashflow cycle by implementing a debtors collection system and

credit policy, collecting debtors faster, selling stock more quickly, and negotiating

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longer credit terms with creditors will also benefit a business’s cashflow. “Putting

in place systems like a debtors collection system, credit policy, stock control

system and purchasing system will encourage inflows and put less pressure on

the immediacy of outflows, freeing up more cash for the business,” says Nic.

Nic Clark shares a real-life example of a husband and wife team in Hunter Valley, who were

facing the harsh reality that their business cashflow was unable to pay weekly fixed

expenses and that debtors finance was restricted due to excess over 90-days.  Together with

their 10X Coach, they developed a process to handle debtors with 3 letters. They also

received coaching through various role-plays on how to handle difficult telephone calls.

After implementing this strategy, the couple were able to turn around $28,000 in the first

week, debtors over 90 days reduced and after 2 months debtor finance released an extra


As Nic stresses:

“Cashflow represents the lifeline of all businesses, and with the right

resources and support, Australian businesses can ensure that their cashflow is effectively

managed for survival through the current crisis.”

10X is committed to supporting the ongoing success of local business owners, and Nic Clark

is making a series of free teleseminars available to the business community via the 10X

network. The first teleseminar scheduled is titled ‘Cashflow in a Crisis’, featuring 10X

accountant and cashflow expert, Judy Reynolds, interviewed by business improvement

specialist, Dean Marinac. Australian business owners can register for free via the website, at Business owners who register can also submit their own

cashflow questions to be answered by 10X experts during the teleseminar. 

About Nic Clark

Nic Clark is the CEO of 10X Limited, a public company specialising in the setup of business

development divisions within accounting firms across Australia and New Zealand. Nic has

had 16 years hands on experience advising hundreds of small-to-medium sized businesses

throughout Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada and the UK. He has assisted in the

completion of over 890 comprehensive business plans covering a broad range of business

areas such as Management, Marketing, Operations, Human Resources and Finance.

As a previous Director of Action International, the current market leader in business service

franchising and the founder of 10X Limited, Nic is regarded as THE expert on white collar,

business service franchise development in the Asia Pacific region.  He is also the creator of

the 10XPERFORMANCE PLANNER business planning and business performance system, and

10XEXPANDER business consulting and profitability tools.

For further information please contact: Monique Van Dijk at 

Further reference information:  

* Statistic taken from NAB survey, Nov 2008

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