Cellestis Appoints Biochemmack As New Commercial Partner In Russia

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23rd July 2009, 05:18pm - Views: 789

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Cellestis Appoints BioChemMack as New Commercial Partner in Russia

MOSCOW, July 23 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --


    Cellestis is pleased to introduce BioChemMack (Moscow, Russia) as its newly appointed commercial partner for

distribution of the tuberculosis blood test, QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube (QFTT), in Russia.  

    Founded in 1989, BioChemMack JSC (BCM) was one of the first joint venture companies in the former USSR

and is now privately owned with more than 50 employees.  Originally focused on enzyme immunoassay kits, BCM

has expanded to become one of the largest distributors of new diagnostic equipment in Russia.  

    With tuberculosis infection widespread and extensively drug resistant disease prominent throughout Russia,

there is an urgent need for improved tuberculosis testing.  For years the tuberculin skin test has been the only

diagnostic for latent tuberculosis available in this region.  The skin test's major limitation is that it is highly

confounded by the BCG vaccination, which is mandatory in Russia at birth and again between 7 and 14 years of

age.  Falsely positive skin test reactions induced by BCG vaccination prevent accurate tuberculosis diagnosis in the

Russian population.   However, public health programs and tuberculosis clinics in the region are now beginning to

use QFT for one-step tuberculosis diagnosis because it is not influenced by BCG vaccination and is proven to be a

more accurate and cost-effective means of detecting tuberculosis.  

    For interested customers, please contact BCM at:

    BCM - BioChemMack

    119991, Russia, Moscow,

    Lenin's Hills

    Telephone: +7 (495) 647 2740

    Fax: +7 (495) 939 0997

    Contact: Alexander M. Batyukhnov

    Global Marketing PhD.

    About QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-tube (QFTT):

    QFTT is the first major advancement in TB diagnosis since the introduction of the Mantoux or tuberculin skin test

(TST) over 100 years ago. The QFT test is based on measurement of a cell mediated immune response in TB-

infected individuals. The T cells of these individuals are sensitized to TB, and respond to stimulation with peptides

simulating those expressed by the TB causing bacteria, secreting a cytokine called interferon-&#61543;. QFT

accurately measures the interferon-&#61543; response in a sensitive enzyme assay. Unlike the TST, QFT is

unaffected by previous BCG vaccination and most other mycobacteria. QFT requires only one patient visit, is a

controlled laboratory test, and provides an objective, reproducible result that is not subject to interpretation based

on a patient's relative risk factors for TB exposure. The test has received regulatory and policy approvals in the

USA, Japan, Europe, Canada and elsewhere.

    About BioChemMack JSC: 

    Since 1989 BioChemMack has been a leading supplier of diagnostic equipment and kits in Russia and represent

more than 30 manufacturing companies in Europe and the United States.  Located within the grounds of Moscow

State University, BioChemMack provides comprehensive sales and service for equipment and test kits as well as

scientific support for customers.  

    About Cellestis:

    Cellestis is a listed Australian biotechnology company commercializing QuantiFERON® technology for

diagnosing TB and other diseases worldwide. The Company operates through subsidiaries in the USA, Europe and


    For more information, visit www.cellestis.com or please contact one of our local spokespersons at:

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    Cellestis Inc. 


    Tel: +1 661 775 7480 


    (Contact Mr. Mark Boyle) 

    Cellestis Europe 


    Tel: +49 6151 428 590 


    (Contact Mr. Paul Lebeau) 

    Cellestis International 


    Tel: +61 3 9571 3500 


    (Contact Mr. George Dragovic)  

  SOURCE:  Cellestis

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