Cigarette Manufacturer Zhejiang Tobacco Selects Quintiq Planning Solution To Support Production Rout

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30th June 2010, 01:17pm - Views: 1764

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Cigarette Manufacturer Zhejiang Tobacco Selects Quintiq Planning Solution to Support Production

Routing System

'S-HERTOGENBOSCH, The Netherlands, June 30 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Quintiq, a leading provider of Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)

solutions, today announced that China Tobacco Zhejiang Industrial Co., Ltd

("Zhejiang Tobacco")one of China's largest and most respected tobacco

manufacturers, has chosen Quintiq to provide a planning solution for

scheduling its new primary production lines. The Quintiq Scheduler will be

implemented in the new production facility being built in Hangzhou and will

enable Zhejiang Tobacco Hangzhou Divistion to control the WIP (work in

progress) time of different materials, improve delivery performance, reduce

setup times and ensure quality consistency.

    Revolutionary production routing demands advanced planning solution

    Zhejiang Tobacco, which produces 80 billion cigarettes every year sold

under 30 different brand names, is in the process of constructing a new

primary production plant for its Hangzhou manufacturing division. This plant

will have a revolutionary routing system - the first of its kind - which will

coordinate the production, inventory and delivery operations of tobacco

mixtures. According to the new routing system, raw materials will be mixed

into different kinds of semi-finished modules and later assembled into

cigarettes according to the product specifications of each brand. This new

routing system is designed to ensure that the strict quality control

necessary for cigarette production and internal delivery performance demands

can be met.

    The scheduling puzzle of the new routing system is far too complicated to

be handled manually. As a result, Zhejiang Tobacco sought an advanced

scheduling solution that could support the complexity of its new supply chain

design and also provide a high degree of flexibility. Zhejiang Tobacco chose

Quintiq because of its optimization capabilities, the flexibility of the

software and the knowledgeable implementation staff.

    Quintiq perfect-fit solution integrates with multiple business processes

    The Quintiq Scheduler will help Zhejiang Tobacco Hangzhou Division

calculate the demands of semi-finished modules and raw materials according to

the packaging schedule, create production batches and schedule them onto

suitable production lines. Quintiq will integrate with multiple systems in

Zhejiang Tobacco Hangzhou Division, ensuring all information relevant to

planning is located in a unified system to create transparency along the

entire supply chain. Additional expected benefits of the Quintiq system

include shorter set-up times of primary equipment and reduced workload for


    "Zhejiang Tobacco selected the Quintiq Scheduling solution for its

Hangzhou manufacturing division because of its ability to optimize highly

complicated supply chains," commented Cindy Li, Director of Business Unit

China and North Asia at Quintiq. "The unique Quintiq technology architecture

is able to take into account all of the constraints and complexities involved

in cigarette manufacturing to ensure both delivery performance and

consistency and quality of the final product. We are pleased that an

Business Company Quintiq 3 image

important Chinese company such as Zhejiang Tobacco has chosen a Quintiq

solution and are fully confident we will be able to help it reach its goals

for this innovative project."

    About Zhengjiang Tobacco

    Founded in 2007, China Tobacco Zhejiang Industrial Co., Ltd. is mainly

engaged in tobacco production and sales, the operation of tobacco materials

and smoke spare parts, tobacco import and cigarette export business, and

production, diversity and asset management related with production and

marketing of tobacco products. It has 16 departments and two manufacturing

departments in Hangzhou and Ningbo with 4200 employees. In 2009, the revenue

of China Tobacco Zhejiang Industrial Co., Ltd. is 28.9 billion RMB.

    About Quintiq

    Quintiq provides advanced planning, scheduling and supply chain 

management software solutions. This fast-growing company, established in 

1997, offers and implements software for planning and optimizing complex 

business processes throughout the enterprise. The company's headquarters are 

located in The Netherlands, regional HQ in Philadelphia, USA and with 

subsidiaries in Australia, China, Finland, Germany, Malaysia and the United 

Kingdom. Quintiq systems are implemented in 74 countries worldwide. More at

    SOURCE: Quintiq

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