City Of Cape Town Emergency Centre Gears Up With Matrox Extio Units In Run Up To World's Premier Foo

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17th June 2010, 09:22am - Views: 927

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City of Cape Town Emergency Centre Gears Up with Matrox Extio Units in Run Up to

World's Premier Football Event

MONTREAL, June 17 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Matrox KVM extension graphics technology improves operator productivity

             and system security at South Africa's first single-call

                          Emergency Service Centre

    Matrox Graphics, the leading manufacturer of specialised graphics

solutions, today announced that in preparation for the world's premier

international football event, the City of Cape Town has selected Matrox Extio

Remote Graphics Units (RGUs) to drive 18 emergency operator stations at

1-0-7, South Africa's first single-call Emergency Service Centre. Based at

the operator station, the Extio F1400 RGU allows 1-0-7 operators to

comfortably manage more emergency phone calls on four displays, while

permitting the host workstation to be relocated to a secure datacentre by up

to 250 metres (820 ft) of fibre-optic cable.

    In anticipation of the June 11th tournament kick-off, 1-0-7 managers

looked to modernise their emergency centre infrastructure with a solution to

address the expected increase in daily calls, while simultaneously improving

current workstation security standards. 1-0-7 qualified the Matrox Extio RGU

and discovered that the KVM extension technology was the perfect fit for

their upgrade requirements. The Extio's multi-display capabilities provided a

more practical quad-monitor platform for operators to multi-task more

efficiently between applications-leading to faster transfer rates from

incoming call to service provider-while the extension technology eliminated

all security concerns by moving all workstations to secure server rack

cabinets. 1-0-7 Public Emergency Communication Centre now holds a total of 18

emergency operator stations with an additional six positions in a dedicated

training centre, which are used to support the Communication Centre in the

event of a major incident.

    "The Matrox Extio F1400 RGU solution allows us to render a more efficient

service," stated Jeremiah Phillips, Head of Technical Support, 1-0-7

Emergency. "Now, with the daily call volume expected to rise from 3000 to

5000 calls during the football tournament time frame, we feel comfortable

knowing that we're optimally prepared to handle all of these inquiries,

whether it's to protect lives or property."

    About 1-0-7 Emergency

    1-0-7 is a single emergency telephone number for use by all people living

in and visiting Cape Town. By using this number you can ask for help when

life or property is endangered and you will be efficiently transferred to the

nearest relevant emergency service provider, such as the ambulance, fire,

police or traffic service.

    For more information, visit

    About Matrox Graphics Inc.

    Matrox Graphics is a leading manufacturer of graphics solutions for

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professional markets. In-house design expertise, top-to-bottom manufacturing,

and dedicated customer support make our solutions the premier choice in

industries that require stable, high-reliability products. Matrox is a

privately held company headquartered in Montreal, Canada.

    For more information, visit or contact

Matrox Graphics directly at

SOURCE: Matrox Graphics Inc.

    CONTACT: Steve Choi, 

             +1-514-822-6000 ext. 2540, 


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