Coffey Awarded Usaid Project In Mexico

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3rd July 2009, 11:39am - Views: 755

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Coffey International Limited ABN 16 003 835 112

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Coffey International Limited awarded USD$66.3 million USAID Rule of Law Project in Mexico

A Coffey International Limited company, MSI, based in the United States, has been awarded a five-year, USD$66.3

million rule of law project funded by USAID/Mexico. Rule of Law III: Support for Legal Reforms is the third USAID-

funded initiative of its kind, in support of the Merida Initiative, which aims to prevent and eradicate organized crime. 

The project will work with state and federal justice institutions to strengthen their capacity to improve transparency,

public oversight and public accountability to better serve Mexican citizens under the new constitutional reforms that

shape the police and criminal procedure codes.

MSI will support Mexican-led efforts to improve the justice system, professionalise law enforcement and reduce

human trafficking and human rights abuses. MSI will also support efforts to increase public oversight through policy

reforms, specialised training, technical assistance, public outreach, and exposure to successful strategies and


Ultimately, these efforts will help bring Mexico in line with the global standards set forth in the U.N. and Inter-

American Conventions in support of justice reforms and against corruption. 

This project follows on the heels of an earlier MSI project, PRODERECHO, also funded by USAID. That 3-year

project improved the transparency and fairness with which criminal disputes are resolved, increased confidence in

the rule of law, improved adherence to due process, and increased protection of citizen rights. 


Investor and media contacts: 

Brigitte Claney at Mendleson Communication

P: (+61) (3) 9827 0422; M: (+ 61) 412 189 558; E:

About Coffey

Coffey International Limited (ASX:COF) has been operating for 50 years, and is part of the S&P ASX 300. We have a range of specialist businesses

working in the social and physical infrastructure markets, and collectively, we aim to achieve our vision: to be global specialists solving emerging

challenges to improve the lives of communities.

Around the world, we are providing services at every stage of the infrastructure lifecycle – starting with planning and financing the project, through

development and resolving the technical challenges to the management of resources, timelines and budgets. The cycle continues as we use our

specialist knowledge to ensure objectives continue to be met in the long term and infrastructure is appropriately maintained. 

Our work involves a wide a range of built assets – like roads, buildings, gas pipelines, mines, and sporting facilities – just about everything that is

required to meet the demands of a growing world population, rapid urbanisation and heightened environmental sustainability awareness.

Through our expertise, we are also enabling government and aid agencies to strengthen local communities, increasing quality of life and living

standards. We develop mechanisms and manage projects across a range of social infrastructure, including economic development, education and

training and health.

We have over 4,000 people working on projects in more than 80 countries and permanent offices throughout Oceania, the Americas, Africa, Asia

and Europe. Our plans are to continue expanding our specialist businesses through organic, transformational and acquisition growth. 

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