Copenhagen 'talk Fest' Failed - Can You Make A Difference?

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29th December 2009, 11:49am - Views: 812

People Feature Rothwell Car Wash 1 image

Media Release 

For Information

28 December 2009

Kate Engler

For Immediate Release

0412 526 851



What New Year’s Resolution will you stick to this year?  What resolution can make a

difference to the global warming crisis we are facing?

SAVING WATER is one simple resolution that every Australian can embrace.  A

massive 130 litres of water can be saved EVERY TIME we wash our cars.

Figures from the Car Wash Association reveal that:

Washing your car by hose uses an obscene 200+ litres of water 

Using a bucket reduces this to 99 litres 

Visiting your local car wash slashes this to only the 60-70 litres of potable

(town) water 

Industry leaders and winners of the Moreton Bay ‘Business of the Year’ Award, Phil

and Katrina Kelly of Rothwell Car Wash want every Australian to make 2010 a

‘water-wise’ year.

“Commercial car washes are required by law to only use 60 -70 litres in their

carwash bays – which on it’s own is a significant drop on domestic use.  When you

add into the equation that most car washes now recycle their water, the ‘real’ use

is far less.”  Explains Katrina.

The Kelly’s recycle their water to Class A recycled quality –

the same standard

applied by some local councils.

“We want all Australians to do their bit for our environment and make water saving

a priority for 2010.  If everyone stops washing their cars and dogs at home, we will

save a massive amount of our most precious resource.”  She says.

For information or to interview the Kelly’s on how Australians can save water

contact Kate Engler 0412 526 851


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