Cotecna Philippines Accredited As Bulk And Break Bulk Surveyor

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23rd December 2009, 08:50am - Views: 757

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Cotecna Philippines Accredited as Bulk and Break Bulk Surveyor

GENEVA, Dec. 23  /PRNewswire-Asianet/--

    On November 16, 2009 Cotecna Inspection SA, Philippines

received accreditation from the Committee for Accreditation of Cargo

Surveying Companies (CACSC), as a bulk and break bulk surveyor for cargo

entering the Philippines. Cotecna is the first company to have complied with

the requirements set by the Philippine government under their Administrative

Order (AO) 243-A stating that, effective January 4 2010, all bulk and

break-bulk cargo entering the Philippines must be inspected by accredited

surveying companies at their port of origin.

    The objective of this AO is aimed at streamlining import

procedures for bulk and break-bulk cargo imports. As an accredited surveyor,

Cotecna is required to issue a report on the quantity, grade, etc. of all

cargo shipments bound for the Philippines.

    The importer complying with this procedure is able to file

entries for the imported goods and pay duties, taxes and other fees at the

pre-shipment stage. Confirmation of this procedure will permit the importer

to rapidly clear Customs upon arrival.

    About Cotecna

    Founded in Switzerland in 1974, the COTECNA Group offers a

wide range of trade facilitation services, trade security services and

quality certification standards. Cotecna is a pioneer in areas such as risk

management, destination inspection and scanner integration projects and also

offers Customs modernization programmes, Customs valuation assistance, trade

security solutions and commercial inspections. For a full description of our

combined workforce of about 4,000 employees and agents in close to 100


    Cotecna Press

    Alison Bourgeois

    Vice President Corporate Communications



    SOURCE: Cotecna

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