Csafe Signs Master Lease With Cathay Pacific Airways To Further Enhance Healthcare And Pharmaceutica

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17th June 2010, 08:30am - Views: 1097

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CSafe Signs Master Lease With Cathay Pacific Airways to Further Enhance Healthcare

and Pharmaceutical Transport

DAYTON, Ohio, June 17 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    CSafe, LLC, www.csafellc.com, manufacturer of the AcuTemp(R) RKN active

temperature controlled cargo container, and Cathay Pacific, www.cathaypacific.com,

one of the world's top ten international providers of air cargo services, have signed

a master lease agreement for CSafe's active temperature controlled containers.

    The agreement enhances the product offerings provided by Cathay Pacific's

PHARMA LIFT service in meeting the needs of healthcare and pharmaceutical

customers that require strict temperature control of their products during

transport. The FAA and EASA approved AcuTemp RKN offers the superior

performance needed for shipping products with temperature requirements

between +4 degrees Celsius to +25 degrees Celsius.

    "We have had much success with the use of the AcuTemp RKN and with it,

have been able to offer our customers satisfied performance benefits of the

unit," said Jack Lo, Cargo Product and Marketing Manager of Cathay Pacific.

"The heating and cooling capability of this unit, plus its ability to operate

in extreme ambient conditions without the use of dry ice has been a welcome

addition to our worldwide PHARMA LIFT product offering," he said.

    "Cathay Pacific offers their customers a strong global network of wide

body aircraft and shipping lanes, and we are extremely pleased to have them

as a CSafe airline partner," stated Brian Kohr, General Manager of CSafe.

"Their success with our unit has shown that they are very qualified to handle

the most important temperature controlled products," he added.

    The superior performance of the CSafe AcuTemp RKN can be attributed to

the thermal capabilities of ThermoCor(R) insulation which provides extended

operating efficiencies as well as the unit's proprietary air movement,

heating, and cooling systems that allow the AcuTemp RKN to maintain a

consistent user-selected payload set-point across ambient temperatures as

extreme as -30 degrees C up to +49 degrees C. The operating efficiency of the

unit allows for a full load of product inside the container without the need

for secondary packaging. This makes the AcuTemp RKN a cost effective solution

compared to dry ice and other passive solutions.


    CONTACT: Linda Raisch,  

             +1-937-312-0114 ext 280, 


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