Deloitte Ranked Number One Consulting Provider Globally By Revenue

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28th October 2010, 03:37am - Views: 1451

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Deloitte Ranked Number One Consulting Provider Globally By Revenue

NEW YORK, Oct. 27 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Deloitte announced today that Kennedy Consulting Research & Advisory has named Deloitte the largest

consulting provider and the largest management consulting provider globally, based on 2009 aggregate revenues

in its Global Consulting Marketplace 2010-2013 report.

    Key findings:

    -- Kennedy recognizes Deloitte as the largest organization by a 

       considerable margin, and highlights Deloitte's growth strategy and 

       go-to-market approach as factors contributing to the organization's 

       success during a difficult economic climate.

    -- According to the report, Deloitte is a leader in management consulting 

       with extensive capabilities and depth in strategy, operations 

       management and human resources, as well as business advisory services 

       and information technology consulting.

    -- The report also underscores Deloitte's mantra - "business-led, 

       technology-enabled" - as an accurate reflection of the position of the 


    Commenting on the recognition, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited CEO Jim Quigley said, "This recognition of

Deloitte as the leader in consulting and advisory services reflects the unique expertise, insight, and passion Deloitte

brings to its relationships with clients worldwide. Our organization's commitment to delivering exceptional client

service is at the heart of how we succeed - and of who we are."

    Jerry Leamon, DTTL Global Managing Partner, Services and Mergers & Acquisitions, added, "Kennedy's

flagship report on the global consulting marketplace takes a comprehensive view of the market, which is consistent

with our own view. To be the only organization rated 'strong' in all the major consulting and advisory categories is

exactly where we want to be."

    The report highlights a number of Deloitte's strengths:

    Breadth of capabilities, geographic reach, and deep expertise

    "Deloitte's strategy is to use its breadth of services, geographic reach, and industry expertise to serve clients of

all sizes with an exceptionally well-integrated perspective and with flexibility and pragmatism."

    "Deloitte's key differentiation lies in the size and the critical mass it can bring to bear on client challenges from

both within and outside its advisory practice and across industries and geographies."

    "The successful execution of Deloitte's breadth of offerings and the application of its 'one Deloitte' approach

depends on extraordinary diversity of experience among Deloitte's member firms and among team members on

client engagements." Source: Kennedy Consulting Research & Advisory; Global Consulting Marketplace 2010-

2013; (c) BNA Subsidiaries, LLC. Reproduced under license.

    Multi-service capabilities

    "Over the last five years, some firms have made a concerted effort to promote their multi-service capabilities,

demonstrating that they would drive significant value for themselves and their clients. Deloitte stands out as a firm

that has made a significant effort in this area, including marketing its broad and deep cross-service line capabilities

to clients as its unique 'multi-disciplinary approach.'" Source: Kennedy Consulting Research & Advisory; Global

Consulting Marketplace 2010-2013; (c) BNA Subsidiaries, LLC. Reproduced under license.

    Strategic investments

    "Deloitte continues to make thoughtful investments to help drive its future opportunities. This includes: 1) making

strategic acquisitions to bolster select practices; 2) continuing to enhance its global delivery model to remain

competitive in implementation activities; and 3) investing in staff through the creation of learning centers such as

the launch of Deloitte University, planned for 2011." Source: Kennedy Consulting Research & Advisory; Global

Consulting Marketplace 2010-2013; (c) BNA Subsidiaries, LLC. Reproduced under license.

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    "Kennedy's report confirms that being a world-class consulting organization requires more today than it has in

the past," says Ainar Aijala, DTTL Global Managing Partner, Consulting. "Clients have never been more focused on

value or more sophisticated in their buying decisions. It's no longer enough for a consultant to have a one- or even

a two-dimensional view. Leading with a proven strategy and bringing a broad and deep array of capabilities to the

table are crucial to solving clients' increasingly complex issues."

    As used in this press release, "Deloitte" means Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited member firms.

    About Deloitte

    Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee,

and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its

member firms.

    Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning

multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 140 countries, Deloitte brings

world-class capabilities and deep local expertise to help clients succeed wherever they operate. Deloitte's

approximately 170,000 professionals are committed to becoming the standard of excellence.

SOURCE: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

    CONTACT: Christine Selph, Global Communications, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, +1-212-492-4517,

Mobile: +1-347-429-2891,


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