Doctors In The Us And Europe Using Truebeam(tm) System From Varian Medical Systems To Treat Cancers

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2nd November 2010, 02:24am - Views: 1193

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Doctors in the US and Europe Using TrueBeam(TM) System from Varian Medical Systems to Treat 

Cancers of the Lung, Liver, Pancreas, Head and Neck, Brain, and Spine

SAN DIEGO, Nov. 1, 2010 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

   High dose delivery rates and Gated RapidArc capabilities facilitate fast  

           delivery of ultra-precise radiosurgical procedures

    ASTRO Booth # 201 -- The TrueBeam(TM) system for image-guided radiotherapy and radiosurgery, first

introduced in the United States in April of this year, is now being used at treatment centers across the United

States and Europe to target tumors of the  lung, liver, pancreas, head and neck, brain, and spine.  The

system, which is manufactured by Varian Medical Systems (NYSE: VAR), is currently on display at the annual

meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) in San Diego this week.  

    Designed to treat a moving target with unprecedented speed and accuracy, 

TrueBeam is unique in how it dynamically synchronizes imaging, patient positioning, motion management, and

treatment delivery during radiotherapy or radiosurgery.  TrueBeam significantly reduces the number of steps

needed to complete a treatment.  TrueBeam also features a High Intensity Mode that delivers dose up to four

times faster than other linear accelerators. 

    At the Stanford University School of Medicine, doctors have now delivered 

RapidArc(R) radiosurgery treatments for both lung and pancreatic cancer, using 

TrueBeam in High Intensity Mode.  These treatments were completed far more quickly than is possible with

similar treatments delivered at lower dose rates. For example, a lung radiosurgery case involving two arcs

took just three minutes, according to Max Diehn, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor.   

    Clinicians at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) have now used the TrueBeam system to

deliver fast, highly precise treatments of tumors in the brain, lung, liver, prostate, head and neck, and


    Christopher Willey, M.D., Ph.D., treated a metastatic lesion of the adrenal 

gland.  "Surgery was not an option, so we offered radiosurgery using the TrueBeam system," Willey said. 

Using the High-Intensity Mode as well as respiratory gating to compensate for tumor motion due to the

patient's breathing, Willey's team delivered three treatments on non-consecutive days.  "The total treatment

time, including imaging, was about 25 minutes each day.  Using other systems, I suspect the same treatment

would have taken closer to two hours."

    "Cutting down treatment time by a factor of two to four-that's a big deal for patients," said Chris Dobelbower,

M.D., Ph.D., radiation oncologist at UAB.  "It's hard to lie on a hard table or to be immobilized in a confining

mask for two hours.  Particularly for patients with medically inoperable liver and lung lesions, TrueBeam

enables us to offer something we may not have been able to offer otherwise.  TrueBeam is perfect for what we

want to do-deliver quality patient care in an efficient way."  

    "We deliver all of our stereotactic body radiosurgery treatments on the 

TrueBeam system now," said Nathan Jordan, lead radiation therapist at UAB.   "We've had referring surgeons

in here to see us complete an SBRT procedure in fifteen minutes, and they've been just amazed.  The

workflow enhancements are excellent; things are automated to happen in an order that makes sense.  For

example, when we are imaging prior to treatment, each screen on our console automatically flows into the

next.  There are fewer steps.  It's not just the treatment times that are shortened-the workflow is also much


    In Switzerland, doctors at the University of Zurich have treated over 100 cases using the TrueBeam system. 

For one case of lung cancer, a RapidArc treatment in High-Intensity Mode was completed in just over a

minute.  "The High-Intensity Mode is very exciting," said Urs Martin Lutolf, M.D., clinical director and chairman

of the Department of Radiation Oncology.  "At the highest dose rates, we can reduce the length of treatment to

one-fourth the amount of time needed at lower dose rates."  

    TrueBeam installations have been completed or are under way at more than 30 

Misc Miscellaneous Varian Medical Systems, Inc. 3 image

treatment centers around the world.  More than 125 TrueBeam systems have been 

ordered since the system was introduced in April of this year, and more than 430 patients have now received

treatment on a TrueBeam system. 

    "Varian's goal has been to reduce the time it takes to complete advanced 

radiotherapy treatment in less than two minutes, through technology advancements," said Dow Wilson,

president of Varian's Oncology Systems business. "We got there with RapidArc for image-guided IMRT.  Now,

RapidArc delivered with TrueBeam(TM) is enabling clinicians today to deliver stereotactic body radiotherapy-

SBRT-in as little as two minutes."


    Varian Medical Systems, Inc., of Palo Alto, California, is the world's leading manufacturer of medical

devices and software for treating cancer and other medical conditions with radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton

therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer

clinics, radiotherapy centers and medical oncology practices. Varian is a premier supplier of tubes and digital

detectors for X-ray imaging in medical, scientific, and industrial applications and also supplies X-ray imaging

products for cargo screening and industrial inspection. Varian Medical Systems employs approximately 5,100

people who are located at manufacturing sites in North America, China, and Europe and in its 79 sales and

    High resolution images of the TrueBeam system are available online at this URL:


    Meryl Ginsberg, +1-650-424-6444

    SOURCE: Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

    CONTACT: Meryl Ginsberg of Varian Medical Systems, Inc., 



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