Enfinity Signs Major Chinese Agreements With China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation, Ningxia
Region and Qinghai Province
BRUSSELS, Oct. 7 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --
- An Important Joint Venture Contract has Been Signed Today in Brussels in Presence of the Chinese Vice
President Xi Jinping and Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy
As a market leader in the clean energy sector, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC) is a
Chinese company engaging in nuclear power as its core business. Enfinity is an international company active in
renewable energy projects with its head office located in Belgium. Its main business includes the development,
investment, financing (project financing), construction, operation, management and maintenance of renewable
energy projects.
Joint Venture Agreement for development of solar projects.
Following their successful cooperation on the concession tender of Dunhuang 10 MW grid-connected PV power
plant in China, CGNPC and Enfinity will establish a Joint Venture company in China. The Joint Venture will focus
on the construction and development of solar power projects in China, as well as the promotion of the strategic
development of the solar power industry.
"The Joint Venture will initially focus on photovoltaic (PV) projects and then may select and develop other
business in the solar power industry chain that enhances the core competitiveness of the Joint Venture and its high
ancillary value," commented Mr Qian Zhimin, Chairman of the Board of CGNPC.
"This Joint Venture will become for Enfinity a platform to develop solar activities on a utility scale", says a very
proud Gino Van Neer, Founder of Enfinity and CEO of Enfinity Asia.
Major collaboration agreements for worldwide and regional Chinese development.
Enfinity and CGNPC also agreed on the collaboration of international renewable energy projects with a
worldwide scope and a focus on Europe. "We will in this agreement develop projects with a total capacity of 2000
MWp," says Mr. Han Qinghao - Chairman and General Manager of SCNPC Solar Energy Development Co., LTD.
Followed by the success of the first 10 MWp project in Ninxgia region, Enfinity is continuing the development in
this area. A Collaboration Agreement has been signed between Enfinity, CGNPC, Ninxgia region and Shizuishan
city for the development of 2000 MWp of solar energy projects in the coming 10 years. At this moment land has
been secured for the construction of 200 MWp of solar power plants.
A similar Collaboration Agreement has been signed with Qinghai Province, CGNPC and Enfinity for a PV power
plant development of 2000 MWp for the coming 10 years. In this agreement, land is secured for Enfinity for 100
MWp and 10 MWp fully permitted under CGNPC.
For further information, please contact:
Enfinity China
Jing Zhou - Head of Develop China - Phone: +86-021-28-90-96-50
Enfinity Head Office
Jurgen Van Damme, Press and Communications - Phone. +32-56-28-88-88
SOURCE: Enfinity NV