Etisalat And Pacific Controls Sign Agreement To Jointly Offer M2m Solutions

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3rd February 2010, 12:54am - Views: 784

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People Feature Pacific Controls Systems L.L.C. (Green Building) 2 image

Etisalat and Pacific Controls Sign Agreement to Jointly Offer M2M Solutions

DUBAI, Feb.2 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--


    - The First of its Kind Agreement to be Signed in the GCC Region Will Leverage on

Etisalat's Network Infrastructure and Pacific Control's M2M Expertise to Offer

Customized Applications

    Etisalat, the leading telecom service provider, today

announced an agreement with Pacific Controls, the leading global automation

company, to jointly work towards offering Machine to Machine (M2M)

applications and support to telco's clients. Pacific Controls will provide

Etisalat's customers the technical support for development of solutions and

for ongoing support thereafter.

    M2M is a technology which allows intelligent machines to talk

to each other via the Internet to automate the collection of essential data

faster and accurately without human intervention.

    Under the agreement, Etisalat will collaborate with Pacific

Controls to deploy applications that rely on its Mobile Business Data Service

through its 3.5G network for M2M communication. The widespread availability

of Etisalat's 3.5G network makes it an attractive technology to replace

existing equipment or to deploy new wireless solutions. The M2M equipment

monitoring control services enable remote asset owners to monitor, manage,

and optimize operation of remote equipment without traveling to or

maintaining staff at the equipment site.

    According to Abdulla Hashim, Senior Vice President, Business

Solutions, Etisalat: "This agreement with Pacific Controls represents a great

opportunity for both partners to harness the potential of M2M solutions

across industries. We look forward to working closely with Pacific Controls

to utilize our joint expertise to offer attractive value propositions for

companies across different verticals to facilitate business efficiency and

increased productivity in addition to helping enterprises become greener."

    Typically, M2M solutions include a network comprising of

sensors, middleware, software and applications that help improve efficiency

and quality by tying together a myriad of sensors with mission critical

applications like Asset Management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and

Customer Relationship Management (CRM). M2M solutions would be of great

benefit in areas like Fleet Management, Point of Sale Solution,

Smart-Metering and Energy Consumptions, Building and Asset Management, Remote

Health care in addition to various other areas.

    Commenting on the partnership, Mr. Dilip Rahulan, Chairman and

CEO, Pacific Controls Systems LLC, said, "We are happy and excited about our

partnership with Etisalat. The telecommunications provider has been the

pioneer in the region in introducing the latest technologies in the

communications field. Pacific Controls is an industry leader in providing the

most innovative and comprehensive M2M solutions for clients spread across the


People Feature Pacific Controls Systems L.L.C. (Green Building) 3 image

    He further added, "Information and Communications Technology

(ICT) is the new dimension to managing Climate Change, and is the future of

all telecommunication operators starting with M2M to enterprise applications.

ICT-based monitoring, feedback and optimization tools can be used to reduce

both at every stage of a building's life cycle, from design and construction

to use and demolition."

    The most recent results presented by climate scientists are

alarming; the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere is

growing faster than originally predicted. The ICT industry is a key player in

creating a low carbon society and could do a lot more to help push the world

over the years. The ICT industry can replace goods and services with virtual

equivalents and adopt various technologies to enable energy efficiency.

    Pacific Controls is providing global leadership in

revolutionizing the way facilities and assets are managed through its

internal programs and efforts on behalf of its customers, Pacific Controls is

considered as one of the largest energy efficiency service provider in the

Middle East.

    About Pacific Control Systems

    Pacific Control Systems LLC is an IS0 9001:2008 company

providing total automation solution globally. The Dubai-headquartered Pacific

Controls has been involved in successfully implementing integrated automation

solutions in numerous projects in the government and private sectors. Pacific

Controls' core strength is in offering comprehensive, innovative solutions in

intelligent automation and control systems. Our domain knowledge coupled with

technology expertise is continuously being updated and applied to create

total automation solutions in commercial, industrial and home infrastructure


    The headquarters of Pacific Controls, Middle East is the first

Platinum rated green building accredited by the US Green Building Council

(USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) pogramme and

sixteenth in the world.

    For further information, please visit

    For more information, please contact:


    Pacific Controls:

    Ms. Jumana Aman

    Watermelon PR

    Ph: +971-4-283-3655

    Mob: +971-50-744-0576



    Mohammad Okour

    Mobile: +971-50-8815000


    SOURCE: Pacific Controls Systems L.L.C. (Green Building)

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