First Tcm Ingredient Achieves Usp Verification

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14th August 2009, 07:09am - Views: 829

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First TCM Ingredient Achieves USP Verification

ROCKVILLE, Md., Aug. 14 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/  --

    Demonstrating its quality, purity and identity, ONCO-Z Corious Versicolor Extract recently became the first

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ingredient to become "USP Verified." The ingredient is produced by Hong

Kong manufacturer PuraPharm International. This distinction indicates that the ingredient passed the rigorous

requirements of the U.S. Pharmacopeial (USP) Convention's Dietary Ingredient Verification Program. USP is a

scientific nonprofit organization that sets standards for the quality of medicines, dietary supplements and food

ingredients, which are used in more than 130 countries. Through its voluntary ingredient verification programs, USP

also assesses the quality of dietary supplement and pharmaceutical ingredients.

    "We are very pleased to award USP verification to Corious Versicolor Extract," said Srini Srinivasan, Ph.D., USP

Vice President of Verification Programs. "USP verification helps ingredient manufacturers demonstrate the quality

of their product, which is important as finished product producers of dietary supplements and medicines are

increasingly looking for companies to compete not only based on price but on quality. USP is a trusted entity in the

United States and worldwide, and achieving USP verification is a strong indication of quality."

    Through the Dietary Ingredient Verification Program, USP verifies ingredients used in the manufacture of dietary

supplements, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanical extracts and nonbotanicals. Participation in the

program is voluntary and available to manufacturers of ingredients marketed for use in the dietary supplement

industry worldwide. USP awards use of the "USP Verified Mark" and issues a verification certificate for dietary

ingredients that meet its rigorous program requirements.

    Manufacturers that attain USP Verification can display the "USP Verified

Mark" on containers and certificates of analyses of verified dietary

ingredients. When the manufacturers of dietary supplement finished products

see this distinctive mark on the containers of dietary ingredients they buy,

they can be assured that:

    -- The ingredients are consistent in quality from batch to batch.

    -- The ingredients meet label or certificate of analysis claims for identity, strength, purity and quality.

    -- The ingredients are prepared in accordance with accepted manufacturing processes.

    -- The ingredients meet requirements for acceptable limits of contamination.

    Manufacturers who are interested in participating in the program may contact

    USP -- Advancing Public Health Since 1820

    The United States Pharmacopeial (USP) Convention is a scientific, nonprofit, standards-setting organization that

advances public health through public standards and related programs that help ensure the quality, safety, and

benefit of medicines and foods. USP's standards are recognized and used worldwide. For more information about

SOURCE: U.S. Pharmacopeia

    CONTACT: Diana Zhang of USP-China, 



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