Fujitsu Ten To Develop Vehicle-mounted 76-ghz Millimeter Wave Radar: Compact, Low-priced And Improve

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19th October 2010, 08:21pm - Views: 928

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FUJITSU TEN to Develop Vehicle-Mounted 76-GHz Millimeter Wave Radar: Compact, Low-priced and

Improved Functions

KOBE, Japan, Oct. 19 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --


Sample Display at ITS World Congress, Busan 2010 -

    FUJITSU TEN LIMITED has developed a vehicle-mounted 76-GHz Millimeter Wave Radar that provides

improved functions in a more compact size and a lower cost.

In addition to the various improvements, FUJITSU TEN aims to start supplying the unit to automobile

manufacturers at the beginning of 2013. This product will also be on display at exhibition of the ITS World

Congress, Busan 2010 (Oct. 25 (Mon.) to 29 (Fri.)).

    This unit utilizes sensors to measure the separation distances, angles and relative speeds of vehicle up

ahead. With this newly developed model, a more compact size, lower cost and more advanced functions were

realized in correspondence with the expansion of the market for such products.

    The commercialization of this radar allows for advanced safety and convenience systems, which had

previously only been common in luxury cars, to spread more rapidly to a large variety of models such as

compact cars and trucks.

    Development Key Points

    1. Compact and lower cost

     Size: Less than one-half the size of our current model

       This is the first time that FUJITSU TEN has adopted an electronic 

       scanning system for front radar, and at the same time achieved a 

       simpler structure. The amount of parts used was greatly reduced to 

       provide a volume ratio half that of our current model. This also 

       allowed us to achieve a lower cost.

    2. Improved Functions

     Detection angle range: More than twice our current model

       This unit adopts the high-resolution direction detection system, 

       uniquely developed in conjunction with FUJITSU LABORATORIES LTD. This 

       technology provides an expanded detection angle range as well as high 

       horizontal separation capability.

     First adoption at FUJITSU TEN of our AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System 

     Architecture) as the software platform

    About Millimeter Wave Radar

    The Millimeter Wave Radar uses radio wave transmission to measure the separation distances, angles and

relative speed of surrounding vehicles, making it important as a key device in advanced safety and

convenience systems.



    Ayami Kakuno

    Corporate Communication Dept.


    Tel: +81-78-682-2170



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