Glam Media Launches Glamadapt - The Industry's First Third Generation Ad Serving Platform Built For

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10th June 2010, 07:41am - Views: 914

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Glam Media Launches GlamAdapt - The Industry's First Third Generation Ad Serving

Platform Built for Brands - Bringing Emotion & Accountability to Display Advertising

SILICON VALLEY, Calif. and NEW YORK, June 10 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

  Glam Introduces the First "Advertising Apps Platform" with AdMeld, Bluekai, 

     comScore, Dynamic Logic, Eyeblaster, Pictela, Pointroll, Quantcast and 

                      Symphony IRI Group as Anchor Partners

    Glam Media, Inc. (, the number one vertical media company for

women online, today announced the launch of GlamAdapt (, the

revolutionary ad serving platform built for brands. GlamAdapt has been designed from

the ground up to help bring emotion and accountability to display ads. GlamAdapt is

the next step in Display Advertising, ushering in a new era of emotional advertising

by simplifying the entire digital advertising process and integrating the most

innovative ad technologies.

    For users, GlamAdapt provides ads that sizzle-that are relevant, engaging and


    For publishers, GlamAdapt provides premium ad solutions to help derive greater

value for their quality content, engaged audiences and social interactivity.

    For agencies and advertisers, GlamAdapt offers a simple end-to-end integration

answer for all digital brand advertising-providing the first "multi-targeting" across

display, video, mobile, iPhone, iPad, SmartPhones, and other devices to over 100

Million Internet users.

    For developers the open "Advertising Apps Platform" allows easy integration of

partner products and technology, creating instant scale and distribution for

innovative solutions.

    GlamAdapt is designed to be used with industry standard Agency products such as

DFA, Atlas and EyeBlaster. For Publishers, GlamAdapt can be used a full alternative

to Google DoubleClick.

    "After years of trying to meet brand advertising goals using old ad platforms

designed for clicks, Glam came to the conclusion that we needed a completely new

third generation ad platform that was built for emotional digital branding," said

Samir Arora, chairman and CEO, Glam Media. "After an extensive search, we realized

the only way we would get a new platform-is if we built it. Today, after 18 months of

endless engineering during the downturn, we are delighted to launch the world's first

ad platform designed ground up for highly engaging brand advertising online."

    Glam is also launching the industry's first open "Advertising Apps Platform" that

provides API's for seamless integration of ad technology and data providers. Anchor

partners include the leading innovators in Advertising Technology: Admeld, Bluekai,

comScore, Dynamic Logic, Eyeblaster, Pictela, Pointroll, Quantcast and Symphony IRI


    "Successful marketing combines art and science, emotion and data," said Rishad

Tobaccowala, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer, VivaKi. "GlamAdapt is revolutionary

because it gives marketers and their agencies the ability to combine these worlds

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with ease while furthering technology innovation that is so crucial to the future of

online growth."

    GlamAdapt, one of the best kept secrets through its launch today, is live and at

scale, using an advanced cloud-based Software as a Service architecture-deployed by

over 1,000 Publishers with more than 500 of the Top brand advertisers-reaching over

100 Million users globally in 20 countries.

    "GlamAdapt is the first platform designed with the idea that for effective Brand

Advertising, the ad server needs to know more than clicks," said Fernando Ruarte,

Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Glam Media. "Glam's mission is to build the

world's best brand ad serving platform-going back to its roots of being a Silicon

Valley technology innovator."

    For more information on GlamAdapt, please visit

    About Glam Media

    Glam Media is the pioneer of vertical media that connects the world's top brand

advertisers with targeted vertical audiences online. Glam invented the first

commercial Blog Network in 2005 to harness the power of Social Media for Brands.

Since then, it has exploded to a reach of 81 million unique monthly visitors in the

US and 164 million users globally.

    Glam Media is the #1 comScore Community web property targeting Women, the #8

publisher in all online Display and a Top 10 Adweek Display Ad Publisher. Recently,

Glam Media was named the world's most innovative media company by Fast Company

Magazine. Glam Media has more than 1,500 publishers organized in vertical networks: for Women, for Men and for real-time Social Media.

    Glam Media is headquartered in New York City, New York and Silicon Valley,

California, with offices in Chicago and Los Angeles, and internationally in London,

Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Tokyo and Paris.

SOURCE: Glam Media

    CONTACT: UK Contact Information: Braben PR; 

             Richard Lambert and James McKeown, 

             both at E:, 

             T: 020 7025 8021

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