Global Ccs Institute Appoints Two New Board Directors

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8th October 2010, 06:06pm - Views: 1609
Global Ccs Institute Appoints Two New Board Directors

CANBERRA, 8 October, 2010: Mr. Russell Higgins, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Limited, today announced the appointment of two new directors of the Company.

The directors are:

Dr Mario Ruscev:
Dr Ruscev has been the CEO of American nanotechnology company FormFactor, for the past two years. Previous to this position, he worked for 23 years with Schlumberger in a number of senior roles in France, the United Kingdom and Norway. His project management experience is extensive and he has worked in the areas of water, CO2, sequestration as well as carbon capture and storage (CCS). He has worked in Australia on several projects and with a number of Australian institutions as well as with the US-based FutureGen initiative. He has a PhD in Nuclear Physics from Yale University and a Doctorate in Nuclear Physics from the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. Dr Ruscev is located in Paris, France.

Ms Rachel English:
Ms English holds a number of non-executive positions in the United Kingdom. She is a Director of NHS London, a Director of Helios Social Enterprise, a member of the Audit Committee for the Department for International Development (DFID), an Advisory Board Member for the Institute for Energy Research and Policy at the Birmingham University and a Director and Honorary Treasurer for Vision Aid Overseas. She was the Chief Financial Officer at Gasol PLC and has held a number of senior positions in UK companies including, BG Group PLC, Shell Gas & Power, Entergy, British Energy PLC and the World Bank. She is an energy expert with 25 years experience across the sector. She has an MA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Hons) from Oxford University and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Ms English is located in London, England.

The appointments will take effect on 12 October 2010.

Mr Higgins said the appointment of the new directors marks the completion of the Board renewal process agreed by the Board and announced in late 2009.

In announcing the new appointments Mr Higgins said: "The addition of Mario and Rachel's project management and financial skills and experience is a very good complement to our existing Board. I believe the newly constituted Board is a great combination to guide the Company into its future in a world where CCS must play a role in addressing our energy security challenges."

For further information please contact:

Chandran Vigneswaran
Director, Communications
P +61 (02) 6175 5331
M +61 0414 762 390
E [email protected]

About the Global CCS Institute

The Global CCS Institute, funded by the Australian Government, works with organisations and governments to accelerate the broad deployment of commercial CCS and ensure that the technology plays a role in responding to the world's need for a low carbon energy future. The interim goal of the Institute is to accelerate the development of 20 commercial-scale integrated demonstration projects by 2020.

The Institute plays a key role in knowledge sharing across demonstration projects and is working on enabling the regulatory and policy as well as commercial and financial conditions for CCS to be deployed commercially around the world. It has more than 260 members, including the United States Government.

More information is available at

SOURCE: Global CCS Institute

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