Goodman Signs Mou To Develop Premier Business And Logistics Hub In China

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19th May 2010, 01:20pm - Views: 996

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Goodman signs MOU to develop premier business and logistics hub in China

BEIJING, May 19 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/--

    Goodman Group (Goodman or the Group) today announced that it has signed a Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) with the Langfang Municipal Government to participate in the development of a premier

business and logistics hub for the greater Beijing-Tianjin area in northern China. 

    The key points relating to the MOU are:

    -- Significant mixed use development project over five square kilometres,

       which is expected to be delivered over the next seven years

    -- Goodman will participate as co-ordinator and master planner for the

       project and will take a fee for service role

    -- Goodman expects to generate fee income over the life of the project and

       will also consider making further investments for itself and its

       investment partners in the development of logistics and business park

       product on the site on a case by case basis  

    Over the next seven years Goodman will work jointly with its affiliates to develop a five square kilometre

parcel of land into an international standard, environmentally friendly mixed use business park. This will

consist of offices and modern logistics facilities and will be co-located with residential housing and associated

amenities to create a sustainable community. 

    Mr Greg Goodman, Goodman Group CEO said, "As the strategic partner of Langfang and the master

planner of the park, Goodman will use its worldwide expertise in business park development, master planning

and property management to develop a comprehensive and sustainable logistics and business hub to cater to

the needs of modern day business. It will also provide tremendous opportunities for local job creation."

    "Goodman will draw upon its global partners to introduce international investors and banking groups to

provide full scale financing support. This provides the Group important access to development land in a capital

efficient manner and allows Goodman to promote the project and development in China to international

customers," he added.

    Langfang occupies a key position between Beijing and Tianjin and is within the Hebei Province. Its proximity

to transportation networks including rail, airports and road underscores its importance as a logistics hub. Often

called "China's Silicon Valley", Langfang is set to further benefit from plans for a high-speed railway link

between Shanghai and Beijing, with the travelling time between Beijing and Langfang reduced to 10-15

minutes. Extensions to the Beijing ring road network will further enhance Langfang's ability to support

continued economic growth in northern China. 

    The MOU with Goodman will strengthen the delivery of international best practice in project development,

planning, sustainability and logistics management in China. It signifies a concrete step towards enhancing the

expansion of the local property development and logistics industry. Goodman's approach to sustainability was

one of the key factors which attracted the Langfang Government to Goodman as they considered the Group to

be well positioned to help them deliver on their vision of creating a model sustainable city. 

    Goodman's Chief Executive Officer, Greg Goodman said, "This announcement, which has been made

possible through the strength of our cooperation with the China Investment Corporation (CIC), marks an

important step in the continued development of our Asian business and is a further indication of our growing

and long-term commitment to the China market. Goodman expects to generate fee income over the life of the

project and will also consider further investments for itself and its investment partners in the development of

logistics and business park product at the site on a case by case basis."

    The MOU builds on Goodman's successful track record in Greater China, where it manages a total portfolio

value of around US$1.6 billion in the key logistics hubs of Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Bohai

Rim Regions. 

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    About Goodman (ASX: GMG)

    For further information, please contact:

     Greg Goodman

     Group Chief Executive Officer

     Tel: +61-2-9230-7400

     Philip Pearce

     Managing Director, Greater China

     Tel: +852-2249-3100

SOURCE  Goodman

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