Grey Group Asia Pacific Launches Latest 2009 Eye On Asia Study

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30th June 2009, 07:22am - Views: 772


Grey Group Asia Pacific Launches Latest 2009 Eye on Asia Study

SINGAPORE, June 30 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Grey Group Asia Pacific, a leading marketing communications company,

today released its latest 2009 Eye on Asia study, which looks at the hopes

and dreams of people in 16 countries across the Asia Pacific region.

    A proprietary initiative of Grey Group, Eye on Asia aims to determine the

powerful underlying trends and human truths that will shape branding and

communications now and in the future. The research examines three areas of

life for Asians, namely Lifestyle, Present & Future Aspirations, and

Consumerism & Communications.

    Recognised as an annual predictor of trends, Eye on Asia gets closer to

the people of Asia, understanding what they want from life by exploring a

broad range of topics, such as attitudes about work, family, finances, the

environment and their value systems, as well as brands and marketing.

    This year, Grey Group has identified a series of "eye-sights" that are

critical focus points for business owners and marketers seeking to build

successful branded businesses within Asia. Key findings include:

    - Optimism: Asians remain optimistic about the future despite

      growing uncertainties.

    - Future Finance: Asians are concerned about household finances and

      saving actively for their future.

    - Asian Brand Tribes: Five distinct segments have been identified

      across the region.

    - CFO: Mothers as Chief Family Officers face new challenges and

      conflicts with their multiplicity of roles.

    - Retail: New parsimonious shopping behaviours arise as a result of

      the recession.

    For the 2009 study, Grey Group also conducted an in-depth retail

ethnographic probe which illustrates how current sentiments drive shopping

behaviour in diverse cultures and channels.

    Now in its fourth year, Eye on Asia has interviewed over 33,000 people

from Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea,

Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,

Thailand and Vietnam.

    Nirvik Singh, Grey Group Asia Pacific's Chairman & CEO, said, "The

accelerating age that we live in necessitates a focus on people and brands.

People in Asia are looking for symbols, deeper emotions and psychological

benefits in their lives. Marketers should respond to this by taking a closer

look at what motivates people as well as what they want from their lives in

the future to create innovative, distinct and impactful messages.

    "More than ever before, marketers need to understand people's evolving

attitudes and behaviours to get ready for new opportunities when the market

rebounds. Grey Group's Eye on Asia study is built on the notion that

Business Company Grey 2 image

listening to and building emotional bonds with consumers will enable business

owners to differentiate their brands in this Asian century."

"eye-sights" will be unveiled throughout the year.

    About Grey Group

    Grey Group ranks among the largest global marketing communications

companies. Its parent company is WPP. Grey Group is represented in 96

countries, with 432 offices operating in 154 cities. Dedicated to delivering

big ideas that accelerate brand potential, Grey Group's total offering

includes Grey (brand advertising) and G2 (activation marketing). In the Asia

Pacific region, Grey Group covers 29 cities in 17 countries and has a

combined staff strength of over 2,000. More information about Grey Group Asia

Pacific is available at

    Survey Design

    The methodology has two components:

    (1) A quantitative survey to benchmark attitudes, values and behaviours.

        A consistent questionnaire was used in all countries with field work

        undertaken by sister WPP research company, The Kantar Group. The 

        quantitative focus is in three areas:

       (a) Understanding what people think about life today and tomorrow

       (b) Understanding what the building blocks of a great brand are in


       (c) Understanding what people in Asia seek from marketing and


    (2) An ethnographic probe which focused on how people feel about

        different retail channels across the Asia Pacific region.


    - 16 markets: Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India,

      Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines,

      Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam

    Data Collection:

    - Internet / Face-to-face

    - >8,100 respondents were sampled

    - 450 in-depth ethnographic interviews

    Respondent Criteria & Sample Size:

    - 18-65 year old individuals (male and female)

    - N>500 per country

     SOURCE: Grey

    CONTACT: Melissa Loh, Corporate Communications

             Direct Line: +65 6511 7611

             Mobile: +65 9154 5485


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