Homes On The Move For The Pilbara

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24th November 2009, 03:20pm - Views: 781

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Homes on the move for the Pilbara

Thermal Comfort Homes is due to complete another six prestige transportable

homes destined for LandCorps’ East Newman Development in the Pilbara.  This

will bring the total number of homes delivered to site to twelve providing a strong

indication buyers are returning to the housing market in the North West.

Eighteen months ago, LandCorp invited TCH to construct a display home in its

prestigious precinct with its initial release of 61 lots.  The innovative seven star

rated design has proved popular with features that include high vaulted ceilings

and spacious living areas, which spilt out onto a refreshing, landscaped alfresco

area.  The company with its ThermaStruct Building System, unique to TCH,

offers a full turn-key product which includes water reticulation, turf lawns and

attractive native vegetation, combined with a build time of just 14 – 16 weeks. 

Now as the Northwest gears up for a second wave of a resources boom there is

increasing interest being shown in homes which provide high thermal efficiencies

which translate to low cost, comfortable living, despite the harsh temperature

extremes generally associated with living in the North West.

The projected long term growth of the Pilbara and the North West will increase

the demand for quality, long term executive and family accommodation.  Those

forward thinking companies which deliver homes of quality, character and

comfort will help to mould the North West into a region of social harmony, charm

and choice.

TCH company spokesperson Mal Simmonds can be contacted 08 6396 1150 or

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