Icmi Attracts Nearly 800 Contact Center Professionals To Acce 2010 Conference & Expo In New Orleans

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25th June 2010, 07:40am - Views: 899

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ICMI Attracts Nearly 800 Contact Center Professionals to ACCE 2010 Conference & Expo

in New Orleans Event Arms Attendees with New Tools for Improving Contact Center

Performance and Customer Experience

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., June 25 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    The International Customer Management Institute (ICMI) today announced the

successful wrap up of the 2010 ACCE Conference & Expo, the annual global gathering

for the contact center community, which was held in New Orleans, June 14-17, 2010.

The event brought together nearly 800 contact center professionals to discover how to

enhance call center performance by better managing people and

resources, improving operations and properly selecting and implementing

technology. Attendees left the event with renewed focus on how to add more

value to their contact center and ultimately improve their customer


    ACCE will be returning to New Orleans again in 2011, taking place June


    Event highlights included:

    -- Programming in five core areas: "Improving Operational Effectiveness,"

       "Strategic Leadership in Action," "The Power of the People," "Today's

       Technology and Tomorrow's" and "Social Media in the Contact Center"

    -- 90 percent new content

    -- Case studies from top organizations, including USAA, Disney Reservation

       Center, Allstate Financial, Bell Atlantic, and Chase

    -- A speaker line-up of seasoned call center executives and industry


    -- An Exhibit Hall featuring the latest tools and services providing

       effective contact center solutions

    -- Announcement of the winners of the Global Call Center of the Year

       Awards: Capital One and Transcore

    -- The presentation of the winning videos from the ACCE 2010 Video Contest

    Keynote speakers included John Foley of CenterPoint Companies presenting

"High Performance Climb(R)," drawing upon his experience as a lead solo of

the Blue Angels to describe how companies and individuals can achieve

substantially higher levels of performance; Sally Hogshead, speaker, author,

and Brand Innovation Consultant with, "Fascinate! The Seven Secret Triggers

of Persuasion and Influence;" and Patrick Morrissey, Vice President,

Strategic CRM Partners of salesforce.com presenting "Customer Service in the

'Twitter' First Century."

    "We're thrilled with the success of this year's ACCE Conference & Expo,"

said Joy Sobhani, Professional Development Director for ICMI. "The conference

program attracted contact center professionals from across the country, while

the Expo floor was filled with attendees exploring innovative technology

solutions. From the prominent keynote speakers to the special events, the

event was well received from the point of view of attendees, exhibitors and

sponsors alike."

    The ACCE 2010 video contest focused on the theme "Call Center Best

Practices." Top honors were awarded to Hot Topic, Inc., Orrick and

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Northwestern Bank. A five-member panel of customer service industry experts

judged the videos on how well they supported the theme, along with creativity

and originality. "The creativity and imagination-intertwined with solid

experience, proven success, and humor-displayed in all of the nominated

videos illustrated just how dynamic the call center industry is," added

Sobhani. The winning videos can be found online at

    ACCE 2010 also partnered with the Beacon of Hope Resource Center in a

"Restore New Orleans" project to help rebuild New Orleans neighborhoods

impacted by Hurricane Katrina. On Sunday, June 13, ICMI staff and ACCE

attendees and exhibitors volunteered to help damaged areas with landscaping,

painting, and other activities. "Giving back to the community is a high

priority for ICMI," said Sobhani. "We were excited to work with Beacon of

Hope to help in some small way to improve the lives of the residents of New

Orleans. We were amazed at how much damage still exists, yet the residents

have come through this ordeal with spirit and passion. It was a pleasure to

work with them on this project."

    ACCE provides valuable insight into how contact center professionals can

improve their service center's performance by better managing people and

resources, improving operations, properly selecting and implementing

technology, and more. ACCE 2010 was presented by ICMI, one of the contact

center industry's most respected organizations.

    About ICMI

    The International Customer Management Institute (ICMI) is the leading

global provider of comprehensive resources for customer management

professionals - from frontline agents to executives - who wish to improve

customer experiences and increase efficiencies at every level of the contact

center. ICMI's experienced and dedicated team of industry insiders, analysts,

and consultants are committed to providing uncompromised objectivity and

results-oriented vision through the organization's respected lineup of

professional services including: Training and Certification, Consulting,

Events, and Informational Resources. Founded in 1985, ICMI continues to serve

as one of the most established and respected organizations in the call center


    ICMI is a part of UBM Live which provides leading integrated media

solutions and professional services across 20 different markets. Operating

across the globe, its events, training, publications, awards and websites

offer professionals in Interiors, Security, Venues, Customer Management,

Safety & Health and Facilities the ultimate experience in learning,

networking, and business development.

SOURCE: International Customer Management Institute (ICMI)/UBM Live

    CONTACT: Rachel Ostafi, 

             Event Marketing Manager, 




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