Idiom Releases Idiom Decision Manager V4 To Help Manage The 'beast Of Complexity

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6th May 2010, 11:10am - Views: 950

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IDIOM Releases IDIOM Decision Manager v4 to Help Manage the 'Beast of Complexity'

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, May 6 /NZPA-AsiaNet/ --

IDIOM Ltd announces the release of version 4.0 of its enterprise class IDIOM Decision Manager

decision automation tool.

IDIOM Decision Manager is one of the most business centric decision tools in the market according

to industry guru James Taylor. It provides an intuitive graphical interface that allows subject matter

experts, analysts, and/or developers to build, test and deploy computer executable models of

business decision making, including specification of the underlying business rules. When tested for

completeness, consistency, and correctness the decision models are generated into Java or C#

source code for deployment into any platform.

IDIOM Decision Manager v4 is designed to help manage the 'beast of complexity' faced by many

organisations like this multi-national insurer. The insurance CIO thought that he had made the best

recommendation for automating the company's core insurance products. But 7 years and $70million

later failure was obvious and nothing could be salvaged.

"We thought we had covered the bases - consultant led RFI and RFP processes, competitive

bidding, only picking the biggest and best. But", lamented the CIO, "we never imagined the

complexity that we would need to deal with in trying to overlay our entire product requirement onto a

large and sophisticated technology platform in what was essentially one big project. Our project was

slowly 'cooked in complexity' until we exhausted our available capital - like a frog that stays in slowly

warming water until it too is cooked!"

Industry commentator Roger Sessions claims that IT failure costs the global economy $USD6trillian

per year, and he lays the cause of this firmly at the door of complexity. Analysis of thousands of

projects has solidly demonstrated that complexity related to project size exponentially drives growth

in cost, time and risk for all projects.

The key to avoiding being 'cooked by complexity' is to focus first on the essential core of your

requirements - your own strategically defined, policy driven value proposition. IDIOM's clients

around the world, including multi-national insurers like the one above, have proven that core

decision making can be captured in well defined, auditable and testable decision models. These

decision models can then be used to drive downstream platform selection and customisation on a

large scale. If the CIO above had spent a few weeks building and understanding models of his

product's decision making requirements, then selecting and customising a platform to contain and

execute them would have been a much more manageable downstream development project - less

cost, less time, less risk! 

According to Mark Norton, one of the founders of IDIOM, "The key to low risk, low cost, rapid

application development is to first capture and test your core value proposition using a decision

modelling tool - and it is important that this tool can also generate this critical IP 'without fingerprints'

for execution in any technology platform. This automated decision making content is your critical

business IP, derived directly from your business strategy, ready to be put to work inside automated

processes to create value for your business anywhere, anytime." 

Business Company IDIOM Limited 3 image

IDIOM now announces the IDIOM Decision Manager v4.0 to help enterprise users develop,

manage, and deploy their strategic decision making IP. For more information on how your business

About IDIOM:

IDIOM Limited (2001) is a pioneer in the development of decision automation concepts and

approaches, and their practical application to the design and development of systems of all sizes.

IDIOM has applied it's "decision oriented" tools and approaches to projects worldwide to significantly

improve strategic alignment and deliver more effective and agile business execution for customers

in finance, health, government, telecoms and logistics.

IDIOM leverages this experience in developing and marketing the "IDIOM Decision Manager", the

industry leading purpose built decision automation tool. IDIOM Decision Manager is a proven,

pragmatic and cost effective tool for capturing, managing and deploying automated business


For Further Information contact: 

Mark Norton

Phone: +64 21 434669



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