India's Ujjivan Announced As First Mfi Partner For Unitus's Social Performance Management Implementa

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5th November 2009, 06:11pm - Views: 825

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India's Ujjivan Announced as First MFI Partner for Unitus's Social Performance Management

Implementation Project

BANGALORE and SEATTLE, Nov. 5 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

             Partnership provides expertise, resources necessary to

                 integrate SPM tools into Ujjivan operations

    In its continuing efforts to improve the effectiveness of life-changing microfinance services, Unitus Inc. is

proud to announce that India's Ujjivan has been selected as the first microfinance institution (MFI) to

participate in the recently launched, innovative Social Performance Management Implementation Project


    "In partnering with Unitus on this project, Ujjivan is demonstrating its

ongoing commitment to understanding how its microfinance services improve the

lives of its clients and to increasing the effectiveness of those services,"

said Mr. Richard Wardell, Unitus VP of Global Programs.

    Social performance management (SPM) is an institutionalized process that

involves setting clear social objectives (e.g., improved quality of housing,

healthcare), monitoring and assessing progress toward achieving these goals,

and using this information to improve the performance and impact of MFIs.

    "Initial projects we had done in monitoring and evaluating the impact of

microfinance on the lives of our clients revealed some very interesting-and

sometimes surprising-outcomes," commented Mr. Samit Ghosh of Ujjivan. "We're

excited to take this opportunity to continue that survey work and to use the

findings to tailor our services so as to better serve our clients."

    Expected to be India's most comprehensive multi-MFI SPM project to date,

the SPM Implementation Project has two phases. In the first phase, Unitus

will work with 10 MFI partners, including Ujjivan, to conduct analysis of

existing social performance data, collect client-level data using the Grameen

Foundation Progress out of Poverty Index(TM) (PPI(TM)), and conduct an

internal social audit using the CERISE Social Performance Indicator (SPI).

Based on phase one findings, partners may choose to participate in the

project's second phase, SPM Optimization, and will fully adopt and integrate

SPM into their regular operations.

    Ujjivan and Unitus expect to complete the first phase early in 2010, with

recommendations for the second phase coming later in the year.

    "By keeping its mission in sharp focus and demonstrating a commitment to

integrating these new systems, Ujjivan will be even more effective in

empowering the working poor to help themselves out of poverty," Wardell


    For more information, please contact:

    Steve Schwartz/Unitus

    +1 206.788.5672

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    About Ujjivan

    Established in 2005, Ujjivan's goal is to provide a holistic range of

services to poor working women in urban and semi-urban areas to enable them

to be free of poverty within five years. To date, Ujjivan has disbursed more

than Rs. 5,860 million to more than 500,000 customers in 12 states across

India, and plans to expand nationally to serve 2 million customers in 500

branches by its sixth year of operation. From its regional offices in

Bangalore, Kolkatta, Delhi, and Pune, Ujjivan has ambitious growth plans to

cover 1 million customers over the next 15 months.

    About Unitus

    Unitus, Inc. fights global poverty by accelerating the growth of

microfinance-small loans and other financial tools for self-empowerment-where

it is needed most. Unitus partners with young, high-potential microfinance

institutions, helping them build capacity, attract capital, and unite with

the greater partner network to achieve rapid, sustainable growth. In just

seven years, Unitus has helped its partners serve more than 9 million

families throughout India and Southeast Asia, East Africa, Mexico, and South


    Unitus received Fast Company's Social Capitalist award in 2006, 2007, and

2008. Unitus is a 501(c)3 with offices in Seattle, Washington, Bangalore,

    About the Grameen Foundation PPI(TM) and the CERISE SPI

    The Grameen Foundation Progress out of Poverty Index(TM) (PPI(TM)) is a

country-specific quantitative and standardized survey administered to MFI

clients to assess client poverty level and monitor changes in client social

and economic well-being. The PPI was commissioned by Grameen Foundation, in

collaboration with the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), the Ford

Foundation, and Microfinance Risk Management, L.L.C., to enable MFIs to

better understand their clients' needs and evaluate the effectiveness of

their programs and products.

    The CERISE Social Performance Indicator is a 45-question quantitative and

standardized survey to assess MFI systems in key areas including outreach to

the poor and excluded, ability to adapt products and services based on client

need, capacity to improve economic and social benefits to clients, and level

of social responsibility. Each was chosen by Unitus for use in the SPM IP

from a collection of competing measurement tools for its ability to provide a

holistic picture of an MFI's social performance.

SOURCE: Unitus, Inc.

    CONTACT: Steve Schwartz of Unitus, 




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