Informex Announces Virtual Workshop On Social Media

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1st September 2010, 04:01am - Views: 863

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Informex Announces Virtual Workshop on Social Media

PRINCETON, N.J., Sept. 1 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Informex (, the leading meeting place for buyers 

and sellers of high-value chemistry for a broad range of applications, today 

announced that it will hold the first of a series of webinars on September 21, 

2010. The inaugural webinar, 'Navigating Social Media: A step-by-step guide for

promoting your brand,' will run from 2 until 4pm ET and will be led by social

media and chemical industry expert, Mary Canady.

    The fully interactive session will examine social media strategies and

tactics tailored specifically for chemical industry professionals. The

workshop will aim to educate delegates as to the best ways to promote their

brand via social media. One of the major themes of the real-time seminar will

be how to increase the effectiveness of your presence at an event before,

during, and after the trade show or conference. Real examples from life

science conferences will be used to show what has worked and why, and

attendees will receive worksheets and schedules designed to get them moving

quickly towards planning a highly successful event presence.

    The webinar will take an in-depth look at social media's role in the

chemical industry as it relates to: research of industry and competitors,

connecting with business partners, developing and maintaining business

relationships, leveraging news and announcements and interacting with

customers and clients.

    "Social media is an innovative and creative way to reach and interact

with large numbers of people allowing users to feel an immediate connection

with an organization," explained Jennifer Jessup, Informex/UBM Live Global

Brand Director. "With the increasing popularity of social media, more and

more businesses are placing importance on the adoption of comprehensive

social media strategies. As these routes to market continue to grow and

become more influential, companies not engaging in social media, or executing

it poorly, are potentially missing out on major opportunities for their

brands and businesses. This exclusive webinar will help attendees adapt

social media strategies for their own companies."

    The Informex social media webinar will focus on several topic areas to

educate attendees in the many benefits of using social media to extend

company outreach and engagement, including:

    -- A timeline for how to use social media up to, including, and post trade


    -- Getting over your fears of social media

    -- How to integrate into your marketing plan

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    -- The types of messages and platforms that will be most applicable for

       your brand

    -- Etiquette 'Do's and Don'ts' of social media

    -- Case study of a firm that has seen the benefit of social media

    -- Investment of employee time required

    -- How to be an active member of the social media communities

    -- Metrics for evaluating return on investment

    Entrance to the webinar costs $79 per person or $150 per group and places

are limited number to ensure that attendees will have a chance to ask

questions, interact and have their concerns fully addressed.

    Future topics in the Informex webinar series include 'How to Grow Your

Business in Latin America,' 'Waste Management,' 'Organic Chemistry 101 for

Chemical Business Professionals' and 'Navigating Drug Delays'. The webinars

will allow chemical industry professionals to connect to Informex branded

events without leaving the comfort of the office. In times when travel is not

always an option, virtual events allow education and interactivity with

minimal investment enabling attendees to hear from industry leaders who may

not speak regularly at events due to time or travel constraints.

    Registration for the webinar series is now open and further information

    UBM Live is a wholly owned subsidiary of United Business Media plc (LSE:

UBM) a leading provider of business information services to the maritime,

travel, fashion, technology, healthcare, media, and property industries. UBM

offers services in trade shows, online, news distribution, and publishing to

customers across the globe. Its brands are represented in more than 30

countries and are organized into specialist teams that serve their business

communities helping them excel in their market by working effectively and

efficiently. For more information, go to

    About Informex:

    Organized by UBM Live, Informex is the leading meeting place for buyers

and sellers of high-value chemistry for a broad range of applications. As the

leading fine chemical tradeshow in the United States, InformexUSA has been a

marketplace for networking and doing business in the fine, custom and

specialty chemical manufacturing industry for more than 25 years. Visitors to

the show come from a broad range of manufacturing industries including

adhesives, electronics, agrochemicals, biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals,

plastics, paints, and more. Each year the event brings together an

international mix of more than 4,000 fine and specialty chemicals

professionals and 500 exhibitors.

     SOURCE:  Informex

    CONTACT: Jennifer Jessup,

             Global Brand Director,

             UBM Live,


   ; or 

             Impress Public Relations,

             Richard Kerns, 


   , or

             Erin Hatzi,



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