Infosys Prize 2009 Laureates Awarded At Grand Ceremony

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5th January 2010, 06:27am - Views: 1106

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Infosys Prize 2009 Laureates Awarded at Grand Ceremony

NEW DELHI, Jan. 5 / PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


    - India's Finest Research Achievements of 2009 Recognized

    The Infosys Prize 2009 laureates were today felicitated and

awarded at a grand ceremony in New Delhi by the Honorable Vice President of

India Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Chief Guest of the program hosted by the

Infosys Science Foundation. The prize in each category comprised a special

medallion, a citation expounding the laureate's work and Rs. 50 lakh as prize


    During this special evening, the jury chairs of the five

disciplines - Prof. Amartya Sen for Social Sciences and Economics, Prof.

Shrinivas Kulkarni for Physical Sciences, Prof. Srinivas Varadhan for

Mathematical Sciences, Prof. Subra Suresh for Engineering Sciences and Prof.

Inder Verma for Life Sciences - described the evaluation methodology of each

category and introduced the laureates.

    The laureates of the Infosys Prize 2009, in the different

disciplines are:

    Physical Sciences

    Thanu Padmanabhan of Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and

Astrophysics, Pune, in recognition of his contribution to a deeper

understanding of Einstein's theory of gravity in the context of thermo

dynamics and large-scale structure in cosmology.

    Mathematical Sciences

    Ashoke Sen of Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, in

recognition of his fundamental contributions to Mathematical Physics,

particularly to String Theory.

    Life Sciences

    K. VijayRaghavan of National Centre of Biological Sciences,

Bangalore, in recognition of his many contributions as a developmental

geneticist and neurobiologist.

    Social Sciences and Economics

    Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee of the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the economic

theory of development, and for his pioneering work in the empirical

evaluation of public policy.

    Upinder Singh of the University of Delhi, in recognition for

her contributions as an outstanding historian of ancient and early medieval


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    Engineering Sciences

    No prize was awarded for the Engineering Sciences discipline

this year. This is a unanimous decision by the Jury as they did not find a

suitable candidate in accordance with the statutes of the Infosys Prize.

    Delivering the welcome address, Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy, the

President of the Board of Trustees of the Infosys Science Foundation said,

"Research in sciences is the bedrock of social and technological progress in

our society and this has never been more crucial to India's future than at

this point in time. There is a significant depth of scientific talent in this

country and the objective of the Infosys Prize is to identify and encourage

such outstanding talent. The work done by the Infosys Prize 2009 laureates

are strong examples of the quality of research talent in India. By

recognizing and appropriately rewarding their achievements, we hope to

persuade more bright young people to adopt careers in research."

    Speaking on the occasion, Shri Mohammad Hamid Ansari, said, "I

congratulate the laureates of the Infosys Prize 2009. Their signal

contributions in their areas of specialization have been recognized. They

pursued excellence with an intensity that made all obstacles evaporate. Its

recognition today will have a demonstration effect and inspire others to do

likewise. It will boost the confidence of researchers in physical, biological

and social sciences and related branches of knowledge."

    The Chief Executive Officer of Infosys Technologies and

Trustee, Infosys Science Foundation, Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan presented the vote

of thanks.

    The Infosys Science Foundation was established in February

2009 to promote world-class research in the natural and social sciences in

India. The Infosys Prize is annually awarded in five disciplines to reward

and recognize outstanding inventions or discovery or a cumulative body of

work done in India. The Infosys Prize is amongst the highest in terms of

prize money for any award in India. The laureates of the Infosys Prize are

chosen by individual jury panels, comprising international jurors who

evaluate the candidates against international research.

    About the Infosys Science Foundation

    The Infosys Science Foundation is a not-for-profit trust set

up by Infosys Technologies in February 2009 to promote research in sciences

in India. Under the aegis of the foundation, Infosys will honor outstanding

contributions and achievements by Indians across various sciences. The annual

award for each category is Rs. 50 lakh. The Infosys Science Foundation is

funded by a corpus of Rs. 45 crore* contributed by Infosys executive board

members and an annual grant from Infosys Technologies Ltd. The jury panel for

each area consists of eminent international personalities in each area

selected by the trustees of the foundation. For more information, please


    About Infosys Technologies Ltd.

    Infosys Technologies Limited (NASDAQ: INFY) defines, designs

and delivers IT-enabled business solutions that help Global 2000 companies

win in a Flat World. These solutions focus on providing strategic

differentiation and operational superiority to clients. With Infosys, clients

are assured of a transparent business partner, world-class processes, speed

of execution and the power to stretch their IT budget by leveraging the

Global Delivery Model that Infosys pioneered. Infosys has over 105,000

employees in over 50 offices worldwide. Infosys is part of the NASDAQ-100

Index and The Global Dow.

    For more information, visit

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    * The Infosys Science Foundation was established with a total

corpus of Rs.45 crore (approximately USD $10 Mn) contributed by Infosys

Technologies Limited and its executive directors. In addition, Infosys

Technologies Limited will also contribute Rs. 4.6 crore (approximately USD $1

Mn) every year towards the prize money and expenses.

    For further information please contact:

    The Americas

    Peter McLaughlin

    Infosys Technologies Ltd, US

    Phone: +1-213-622-4949, Ext 206


    Asia Pacific

    Sarah Vanita Gideon

    Infosys Technologies Ltd,


    Phone: +91-80-4156-4998



    Cristin Balog

    Infosys Technologies Ltd,


    Phone : +61-3-9860-2277


    Antonia Maneta

    Infosys Technologies Ltd, UK

    Phone: +44-0-207-715-3499

    Source: Infosys Technologies Limited

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