Intec Launches Enhanced Roaming Solution

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27th October 2009, 07:02pm - Views: 982

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Intec Launches Enhanced Roaming Solution

KUALA LUMPUR and LONDON, Oct. 27 /Bernama-AsiaNet/ --

Intec, a global provider of business support systems (BSS) solutions, has announced the availability of its new

Roaming Solution, designed to help remove the complexity from inter-operator roaming revenue settlement,

allowing operators to focus on increasing their own roaming revenues while maintaining complete customer

and roaming partner satisfaction.  The solution is fully compliant with GSM TAP standards as well as

supporting the CDMA CIBER protocol, enabling operators to process traffic as quickly and efficiently as

possible, regardless of the type of network they operate. 

Based on Intec's market-leading interconnect and mediation products, the Intec Roaming revenue

management and settlement solution allows operators to be less reliant on third-party data clearinghouses,

thereby further boosting cashflow and financial transparency.  By bringing control of the roaming settlement

processes in-house, operators can integrate roaming as part of a broader wholesale management strategy. 

For a group of operators within a parent company, the solution can also function as a group-wide

clearinghouse, providing clear economies of scale and simplified roaming business processes.  For existing

Intec wholesale business customers, Intec Roaming provides a clear and cost-effective path to taking charge

of all aspects of their roaming operations.

"Our new Roaming Solution enables customers to react faster to industry changes and reduce overall costs

associated with roaming traffic," explained Simon Pincus, Intec VP of Product Management. "By helping our

customers improve their competitive performance, including a shorter-time-to-market launch for new products,

they can concentrate more effectively on their most valuable customers, their high ARPU users." 

"As a solution compliant with the policies established by the GSM Association, Intec Roaming provides Vivo

with the agility required in a competitive environment, enabling us to close roaming agreements in flexible

ways and improve revenue through this type of traffic," said Leo Petersen, Vivo Director of Interconnection and

Roaming.  "From a Security perspective, the solution is robust, relying on the NRTRDE, HUR and Points of

Control modules, thereby guaranteeing successful roaming transactions, while alerting us to possible cases of

fraud and preventing revenue loss. The solution is easy-to-use and easy to learn, enabling Vivo to provide it

more broadly internally."

Among many key features of Intec's Roaming Solution is support for the GSM Association-defined 'Rejects

and Returns Procedure' (RAP).  RAP provides operators with a mechanism to handle erroneous TAP files and

call event records, resulting in fewer TAP files and records reaching any inter-operator dispute process.  This

improves inter-operator invoicing and settlement and cuts operating costs. 

The solution also supports the new requirements for near real-time roaming data exchange (NRTRDE), which

is crucial to minimize potential revenue loss associated with pre-paid roaming.  End-to-end support for the

roaming business process is underpinned by Intec's proven, high performance and scalable architecture,

providing the user with a robust platform for future growth and change. 

Intec's Roaming Solutions is now available; for more information please contact

About Vivo

Vivo, controlled by the groups Portugal Telecom and Telefónica, is the mobile telecommunication company

that offers the best quality in phone calls, according to Anatel (Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações). Vivo

covers more than 2000 cities in Brazil with GSM and CDMA technologies, servicing the needs of its domestic

About Intec

Intec supplies solutions to over 60 of the world's top 100 telecoms carriers, and is one of the world's fastest

growing suppliers of Business Support Systems (BSS) solutions. 

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Founded in 1997, Intec is listed on the London Stock Exchange (ITL.L) and has over 1,600 staff and 31 offices

in 24 countries. For more information, visit the Intec website at

SOURCE: Intec Systems (Asia) Sdn.Bhd.




Sarah Webb/PR Manager, 



+44 1483 745800



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