Iron Glen's Phase 1 Drilling Program Nears Completion

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26th October 2010, 11:28am - Views: 1234

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Misc Miscellaneous Iron Glen Holdings Limited 2 image


Iron Glen's Phase 1 Drilling Program Nears Completion

TOWNSVILLE, Australia, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Queensland based explorer Iron Glen Holdings Limited is pleased to

announce that the initial drilling program of its Iron Ore tenement, located

in Townsville, Queensland, has successfully delineated a Magnetite resource.


    - Eleven holes have been drilled, with magnetite intersections in the

      first nine and the eleventh holes, ranging from a thickness of 14

      meters to 33 meters.

    - The drill holes extend from approximately 30 meters south of the old

      pit area, along its eastern boundary to a position 495 meters to the


    In addition to magnetite intersections, the Drilling Program has also

intersected gold and copper bearing mineralization. The potential of these

intersections cannot be assessed until assay results have been received. The

Directors of Iron Glen anticipate that Terra Search Pty Ltd will issue a full

report during November 2010 and following this, Iron Glen will report on

their conclusions in detail.

    In commenting on the soon to be completed Drilling Program, Patrick

Griffiths, Executive Director of Iron Glen Holdings, said, "We are very

pleased to be nearing completion of our initial Drilling Program and to be on

schedule in achieving our company targets. Our aim in commissioning the

Drilling Program was to delineate a magnetite resource in the vicinity of the

old pit. This has been achieved. Future work programs will be undertaken to

fully quantify this resource and assess the potential of the other 4 areas of

interest within our tenement."

    "The initial results from the Drilling Program are more promising than

first anticipated. In addition to the magnetite intersections the Drilling

Program also intersected gold and copper bearing mineralization. Whilst the

significance of these intersections cannot be assessed until assay results

have been received, these are exciting discoveries that we will further



    Iron Glen Holdings Limited controls an Iron Ore Tenement that is located

40 kilometers south of Townsville, Queensland, Australia with close proximity

to excellent infrastructure (road, rail, port & electricity facilities). The

Company plans to establish an open pit mining operation based upon the

resource defined from a current drilling and exploration program. The Company

strategy is to fully define the extent of mineralization contained within the

tenement and implement a mining and marketing plan for those resources.

    Further details about this company can be found at 

download 'ASSOB Code IGH'.

    Forward Leaning Statements

    Except for historical information, there may be matters in this

publication that are forward-leaning statements. Such statements are only

predictions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainty. Actual events

Misc Miscellaneous Iron Glen Holdings Limited 3 image

or results may differ as a result of risks facing the Company. Assurances

cannot be made by the Company and the Company undertakes no obligation to

update or revise statements.

    SOURCE:  Iron Glen Holdings Limited

    CONTACT: Patrick Griffiths

             Iron Glen Holdings Limited

             Director & Company Secretary

             T: (07) 3177 7680

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