Jetbrains Releases Teamcity 5.0

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4th December 2009, 12:26pm - Views: 813

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JetBrains Releases TeamCity 5.0

PRAGUE, Dec. 4 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    - Newest Major Release Adds Amazon EC2 Cloud Integration, Boosts Scalability and Further Enhances

User Experience

    JetBrains(R), the creators of intelligent, productivity-enhancing development tools, announced today the

public availability of TeamCity 5.0, the company's award-winning distributed build management and

continuous integration tool.

    TeamCity offers easy setup and delivers out-of-the-box continuous unit testing, sophisticated code quality

analysis, and early reporting on build problems. It has a gentle learning curve, so you can quickly improve your

release management practices by gradually adopting its advanced features and capabilities.

    "Every day we meet more and more customers with large build infrastructures and very high environmental

diversity," - says Pavel Sher, TeamCity Project Manager. "There is definitely a strong demand for an

extremely scalable, robust, and ready continuous integration solution – and that's exactly what the latest

TeamCity release is designed to provide. At the same time, we're still going strong with end-user features for

developers, and were able to add a great deal of usability improvements and an enhanced user experience."

    TeamCity 5.0 brings a huge potential improvement in scalability by reinforcing its distributed build grid with

Amazon EC2 cloud integration. Features such as build configuration templates, project archiving, and

backup&restore eliminate unnecessary redundancy and hassle in configuring large build infrastructures. To

make TeamCity feel at home everywhere and benefit developer productivity, we've added issue tracker

integration, better support for Maven, Command line tool for personal builds, and many other features.

    Key features in this release include:


    - Suport for Amazon EC2: Take advantage of cloud computing with

      TeamCity by putting build agents on Amazon EC2 cloud with on-demand 

      image starting and on-idle stopping.

    - Issue tracker integration with JetBrains YouTrack, JIRA and

      Bugzilla out of the box, plus an API for the integration plugins for

      other systems.

    - Maven support improvements, including simplified build

      configuration creation from POM file, and build triggering on Maven

      artifacts change.

    - Build configuration templates for eliminating redundancy in build

      configurations settings.

    - Project archiving for putting no-longer-active projects out of


    - Command line tool for running Personal builds on server without

      IDE integration.

    - Backup & Restore added to simplify TeamCity maintenance, and the

      migration tool re-implemented.

    Other improvements include:


    - Now you can view the status of a change across all build

      configurations on a single page.

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    - Failure responsibility feature has been advanced to cover not

      only builds, but also individual test failures.

    - Various actions made by TeamCity users are now stored in the

      Audit log which can be browsed from the web UI.

    - Code coverage analysis has been significantly improved for both

      Java (based on IntelliJ IDEA coverage engine) and .NET (support for

      NCover and PartCover).

    - And many more.

    Additionally, TeamCity 5.0 extends existing integrations and brings

several new ones:


    - Git & Mercurial support are now bundled with TeamCity.

    - Remote Run now works for Git from IntelliJ IDEA & Eclipse.

    - New support for Cucumber, Shoulda, Test-Spec in Rake runner.

    - TeamCity IntelliJ IDEA plugin now works with IntelliJ IDEA

      Community Edition and RubyMine 2.0.

    Complete product information about JetBrains TeamCity is available at

    TeamCity 5.0 Professional is available for FREE for all small- and

middle-sized development teams and can be downloaded at

    TeamCity 5.0 Enterprise is available for a 60-day free trial at

    TeamCity 5.0 is available under commercial and personal licensing. New

customers can purchase TeamCity 5.0 online at

    Existing customers can upgrade to version 5.0 after purchasing a 1-year

subscription for software updates at

    About JetBrains

    JetBrains is a technology-leading software development firm specializing in the creation of intelligent,

productivity-enhancing software. The company is widely known for its innovative, award-winning Java(TM)

integrated development environment, IntelliJ(TM) IDEA (see details on the Web at; ReSharper and dotTrace Profiler for .NET developers (see

and build management environment (; RubyMine - a Ruby and Rails IDE

(; YouTrack - the fastest issue and bug tracker

(; and MPS – Meta Programming System for creating and extending

programming languages ( JetBrains maintains its headquarters in Prague,

Czech Republic, with its R&D labs located in St. Petersburg, Russia and Boston, Massachusetts. For more

information see

    Note to Editors: JetBrains, YouTrack, IntelliJ, IntelliJ IDEA,

ReSharper, dotTrace, TeamCity, RubyMine, and MPS are trademarks or registered

trademarks of JetBrains, s.r.o. All other trademarks are the properties of

their respective owners.

    SOURCE: JetBrains

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