Kathryn Greiner Reappointed As Chairman Of Australian Hearing

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28th October 2009, 03:53pm - Views: 864

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28 October 2009



Ms Kathryn Greiner AO has been reappointed as Chairman of Australian Hearing for

another two years.

Announcing the reappointment, Minister for Human Services, Chris Bowen MP, credited

the work Ms Greiner has done since her appointment in October 2006 to contribute to

Australian Hearing’s position as a very significant hearing service provider in Australia.

“Ms Greiner’s considerable experience in social work and business expertise is ideal to

support Australian Hearing as it continues to provide outstanding hearing services to the

Australian public in a financially challenging environment,” Mr Bowen said.

“Under Ms Greiner’s Chairmanship, Australian Hearing has further strengthened its

position of providing the best hearing care, investing in the latest hearing aid technology

and leading the world in hearing research.”

Ms Greiner said she was extremely pleased to be reappointed as Chairman of Australian

Hearing for another term.

“I look forward to continue to be a part of Australian Hearing’s ongoing success in

assisting the hearing impaired.”

Media Contacts – Laura Stevens (Minister Bowen) 0432 833 769

      Rena Richmond (Australian Hearing) 0408 863 201


About Australian Hearing

Australian Hearing, a Federal Government Agency within the Department of Human

Services, is the sole Government provider of hearing assessment and rehabilitation

services to Australians under 21 years of age; adults with complex needs; and eligible

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, including those aged 50 years and over. These

services are delivered through the Community Service Obligation (CSO) Program. 

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Australian Hearing also provides hearing services through the Voucher Scheme to older

Australians who are holders of pensioner concession cards, veterans, members of the

Defence Forces and clients on a Government funded rehabilitation program. Voucher

Services are administered under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program by

the Office of Hearing Services.

Australian Hearing provides hearing health services through a national network of 108

centres and undertakes research through the National Acoustic Laboratories.

About Ms Kathryn Greiner AO, Chairman and Non-executive Director

Ms Greiner was appointed Chairman of Australian Hearing in October 2006. She is also

currently Chairman of BioTech Capital Ltd, the Deputy Chancellor at Bond University

Council, an Authority Member of the National Capital Authority, a member of the Advisory

Board to LEK Pty Ltd and a Director of the Bell Shakespeare Company.

Ms Greiner’s professional career has been in the field of social work, with extensive

experience with NSW Department of Health; the NSW Department of Youth and

Community Services; and the Institute for Human Resources, Boise Idaho. Ms Greiner has

also had a career in media and has been actively involved in a number of not-for-profit

organisations such as the Salvation Army, Save the Children Fund and the Sydney Peace

Prize Foundation.

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