Kellett Enterprises, Inc. Signs First India Agent 1

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2nd July 2009, 03:18pm - Views: 839


Kellett Enterprises, Inc. Signs First India Agent

MAHARASHTRA, July 2 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    The global leader in vibration isolation products is expanding its presence into India,

citing the country's high-quality stock of human capital, a large number of world-class

companies, and a spectacular entrepreneurial spirit.

    Based in Greenville, South Carolina, United States, Kellett Enterprises,

Inc., has signed Techno Sales of Maharashtra India as its first Indian

distribution agent to distribute the LP-13 Shake Absorber(R) Vibration pad to

its customers.

    The LP-13 Shake Absorber(R) pad was the first three-layer shake absorber

patented in the United States. It resolves vibration issues in hundreds of

industries and in an array of applications. Founded in 1960, the company also

manufactures KE-Shake Away(TM) Plus Pads for residential use and the LP-13

Lite Cushion

    Owned and operated by Mr. Apurva Gujarathi, Techno Sales supplies

metalworking customers with superior quality machine tools. Products supplied

by Techno Sales include machine tool accessories, CAD/CAM, CNC lathes, VMC

and conventional machines such as lathes, radial drills, grinding machines,

milling machines, metal cutting band saw machines, super finishing machines,

sheet metal machines shot blasting and shot peening machines

    Over time, machine tools and other heavy equipment are prone to

vibration, and as such, can greatly benefit from the vibration isolation pads

made by Kellett Enterprises.

    Without the protective and strong cushioning of Kellett's pads, excessive

vibration can wear down the life of equipment, cause false readings and lead

to production downtime.

    The move to sign Techno Sales as its first Indian agent is part of

Kellett's push to create a presence in emerging international markets. It

comes on the heels of expansion into North Africa, Brazil and Poland, among

other countries.

    "Because of its dynamic growth despite the world economy, India is

particularly interesting to our exporting goals," said Beverly Davis, Vice

President of Marketing for Kellett Enterprises.

    Foreign direct investment (FDI) into India from April 2008 to last March

stood at approximately US$ 27.3 billion, according to the latest data

released by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP). What's

more, FDI for the last quarter alone of 2008-09 stood at approximately US$

6.2 billion. In short, despite the global slowdown, India has managed to

display resilience and attract good investments, Davis said.

     SOURCE: Kellett Enterprises, Inc.

Business Company Kellett Enterprises, Inc. 2 image

    CONTACT: Kellett Agent: Apurva Gujarathi 



             Fax: +91-241-2415039

             Mobile: +91-9225322793


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