Latest Insights And Security Solutions At The Ifsec Conference 2009

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1st May 2009, 03:22am - Views: 764

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Latest Insights and Security Solutions at the IFSEC Conference 2009

BIRMINGHAM, May 1 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Providing an international panel of speakers, the IFSEC Conference hosts timely debate and provides

practical solutions to the most critical challenges facing security professionals in uncertain times.

    Taking place alongside the annual IFSEC exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham on 11-13 May, the modular

conference provides 9 bundles of information, helping delegates to focus on their specific interest areas.

    Each conference module lasts for two hours and delegates will hear from at least 3 expert speakers on the

most critical areas under that topic. The last half hour of each module has been dedicated to a panel question

and answer session to promote best practice sharing and ensure delegates take away the specific answers

they attended the session to gain.

    The conference attracts an international delegation and is a unique networking opportunity at the IFSEC

the day at IFSEC.

    Day One - Global, National and Local Protection provides essential learning and updates for government

officials, public sector professionals and security personnel across major areas of CNI. Module 1A - Global

Terror will hear from international experts close to the threats at large. Uncover unique insights into Al Qaeda

plans and review the evolving role of security professionals in managing the unprecedented threats faced


    Module 1B will look at 3 major areas of critical national infrastructure in the UK and look at the latest

developments to develop partnership working for the protection of major transport links, preparing for an

international threat of a health pandemic and how the UK is preparing for London 2012.

    The last module on day one will bring this down to a more local level for security managers grappling with

their business continuity plans on the ground. With practical learning on how to develop plans and also scale

them-up at times of increased uncertainty. This module will hear from UK Home Office experts as well as

shared learnings from the financial services industry.

    Day Two - Corporate Security Management has been designed to reflect the challenging times security

managers face in a rapidly changing world and global recession.

    Module 2A will focus on how to manage a security budget in a recession, how to maintain risk sanity in your

organisation as well as provide top tips to tackle employee crime.

    Module 2B takes the threat of employees one step further and provides practical guidance to manage the

threat within - helping you to vet and screen new employees as well as protect your people working in isolated

situations or operating on a global platform - mitigating fears of the new Corporate Manslaughter Act.

    The third module aptly focuses on the security risks of a digital world - helping security managers navigate

the complexities as IT and security worlds merge.

    Day Three - Technological Innovation focuses on three core areas of technology development for closer

scrutiny and practical guidance. IP is still a hot topic for many industry sectors and the first module on day

three provides a step-by-step guide to the key decision areas and thought processes to be followed for

successful implementation.

    Rapidly taking off in the UK and Europe is the widening open standard and the true reality of convergence.

Well instated in the US, module 3B will provide unique insights into Washington developments and how a

complex interoperable system can heighten the security protection of one of the most high-risk cities in the


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    The final module on day three will look at the cutting-edge security developments including biometrics and

video analytics.

    SOURCE: UBM Conferences

    CONTACT: Louise Challis of UBM Conferences,





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