Lifevibes Cinemasound Brings The Home Cinema Experience To Mobile Devices

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15th February 2010, 10:18pm - Views: 778

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LifeVibes CinemaSound Brings the Home Cinema Experience to Mobile Devices

EINDHOVEN, Feb.15 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet / -


    - The new LifeVibes CinemaSound Enables 5-Channel Surround Sound With

Music Enhancements for Extremely Natural, High Quality Immersive Listening

    NXP Software announces the launch of LifeVibes CinemaSound, a new

software product which brings the excitement of the home cinema experience to

mobile phones. CinemaSound enables users to enjoy multi-channel surround

sound when playing movies, video clips or live performances.

    With LifeVibes CinemaSound, handset makers can offer consumers

high-quality 5-channel surround sound for movies, video clips or live

performances on any speakers or headphones. LifeVibes CinemaSound can produce

full surround sound from any two-channel, matrix-encoded or 5.1 channel


    In addition, LifeVibes CinemaSound includes NXP Software's proven

ConcertSound EX, which re-creates a natural music experience on both

headphones and stereo speakers. The inclusion of ConcertSound EX enhances the

cinema sound experience with stereo-widening for headphones and stereo

speakers, true bass performance for headphones, and treble enhancement

ensuring crystal-clear high frequencies. Optionally, the software can

incorporate automatic volume levelling to smooth out changes of volume

between different tracks.

    LifeVibes CinemaSound is optimized to run on even highly-constrained

mobile platforms, allowing handset makers to offer high quality, life-like

surround sound on virtually any handset. CinemaSound is available for

smartphones and feature phones.

    At Mobile World Congress, the LifeVibes CinemaSound smartphone demo can

be experienced at the NXP Software stand A15 - hall 1.

    SOURCE: NXP Software    


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