Liquent Announces New Solution Strategies Following Merger With Datafarm

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9th September 2010, 08:54am - Views: 968

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Liquent Announces New Solution Strategies Following Merger with Datafarm

HORSHAM, Pa., Sept. 9 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

         Updated and New Solutions align with Liquent Vision and Mission

    Liquent Inc., the global leader in regulatory information management solutions and services, revealed today its

new solution branding positioning. The announcement comes approximately three months following the merger of

the Liquent and Datafarm organizations announced June 1, 2010.

    "The combined strengths of Liquent and Datafarm offers the new Liquent

greater opportunities to serve our clients and the Life Sciences market

place," said Rick Riegel, CEO of Liquent. "We are excited to provide the

industry with an informative first look at our strategic direction and share

a number of exciting new products that represent a new chapter in Liquent's

long history of innovation. Our new solutions were developed to support the

market demands of Tier1, Tier2 and Tier3 Life Sciences organizations."

    "Liquent hosted a series of web conferences with its client community in

August and the feedback has been wholly positive," adds Jim Nichols,

Liquent's Vice President, Strategy. "In times of exciting change like this

merger, we are adamant about clearly articulating our plans to our clients

and the market."

    In the web conferences, Liquent unveiled its new combined solution

portfolio and its branding. Liquent InSight(R) will be repositioned with

three core focus areas: Liquent InSight for Registrations, Liquent InSight

for Submissions and Liquent InSight for Viewing. These software solutions are

already widely used in the industry and the new positioning will better

enable Liquent's clients to adopt the technology into their organizations.

Liquent's regulatory operations outsourcing offerings will be rebranded as

Liquent Direct(R) and also offer three core focus areas: regulatory affairs,

regulatory operations and medical writing.

    Liquent's latest products and services will be showcased at its upcoming

European conference, Liquent Horizons, scheduled to be held in Paris, France

on September 13-15, 2010. In addition to its product test lab, the conference

will also offer presentations provided by industry experts and is expected to

have its highest attendance levels ever in its history.


    Liquent regulatory solutions provide software and related regulatory and

clinical services for the life sciences industry. These solutions and

services help ensure clients meet the strict standards of regulatory

authorities across the world helping them achieve quality, accuracy, and data

integrity to deliver regulatory reports and submissions reliably and on time.

    Liquent is owned by Marlin Equity Partners.

    About Marlin Equity Partners

    Marlin Equity Partners is a Los Angeles, California-based private

Business Company Liquent Inc. 3 image

investment firm with over US$1 billion of capital under management. The firm

is focused on providing corporate parents, shareholders and other

stakeholders with tailored solutions that meet their business and liquidity

needs. Marlin invests in businesses across multiple industries that are in

the process of undergoing varying degrees of operational, financial or

market-driven change where its capital base, industry relationships and

extensive network of operational resources significantly strengthens a

company's outlook and enhances value. Since its inception, Marlin, through

its group of funds and related companies, has successfully completed over 35

acquisitions. For more information, please visit

    CONTACT: Jim Nichols, Vice President, Strategy, +1-215-328-4320

SOURCE: Liquent Inc.

    CONTACT: Jim Nichols, Vice President, Strategy, +1-215-328-4320

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